A CASE statement can replace code with multiple ELSIF statements.
case <selector>
when <valueA> then
...<<set of statements>>...
when <valueB> then
...<<set of statements>>...
...<<set of statements>>...
end case;
SQL> SQL> create or replace function f_getDateType_tx (in_dt DATE) 2 return VARCHAR2-- from ww w . j a va 2s. c om 3 is 4 v_out_tx VARCHAR2(10); 5 begin 6 case to_char(in_dt,'d') 7 when 1 then 8 v_out_tx:='SUNDAY'; 9 when 7 then 10 v_out_tx:='SATURDAY'; 11 else 12 v_out_tx:='WEEKDAY'; 13 end case; 14 return v_out_tx; 15 end; 16 / Function created. SQL> begin 2 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(f_getDateType_tx(SYSDATE)); 3 end; 4 / SATURDAY PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL>