Node.js String Case
Node.js examples for String:Case
Click the following links for the tutorial for String and Case.
Split Camel Case
Camel Case To Normal Text
Uppercase first letter
Convert string to camel case
Convert String to Title Case
Convert first String letter to upper case
Convert first String letter to lower case
Compare two string ignoring the case
Upper case first letter in a String
Upper case all letter in a String
Converts a hyphenated string to camel case, ex: 'my-module' returns 'myModule'
Convert String to Hiragana Case
Convert String to Katakana Case
Convert String to Jaden Case
Convert a string into snake case, like from "helloWorld" to "hello_world"
Convert String to Zenkaku Case
Convert String to Hankaku Case
Convert String to Capital Case
To Title Case String
Capitalize String
Is String Capitalized
Camelize String
Capitalize first letter of the provided string and return the modified string.
Capitalizes given string.
Add a function like Python's capitalize to JavaScript strings.
String to capitalize Words
Converts a camelized or dasherized string into an underscored one
Returns a capitalised version of the string
Change String case upper and lower
Trim String with test case
String reverse with test case
String compare Case Sensitive
Convert String to title case and left lowercase for common words
Converts underscored or add dash string to a camelized one
Capitalizes and Decapitalizes the string value.