Here you can find the source of toHHMMSS()
// Functions to extend prototypes // Helper to generate hours:minutes:seconds for accumulated job time // Adapted from StackOverflow // Number.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { var sec_num = Math.round(this); var hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); if (hours < 10) {hours = "0"+hours;} if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} return hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds; }
Number.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { var hours = Math.floor(this / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((this - (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = Math.round(this - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60)); if (hours < 10) {hours = "0"+hours;} if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} var time = hours+':'+minutes+':'+seconds; return time; ...
Number.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { var sec_num = parseInt(this, 10); var hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = sec_num - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); if (hours < 10) {hours = "0" + hours;} if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0" + minutes;} if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0" + seconds;} return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds; ...
Number.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { var hours = Math.floor(this / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((this - (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = this - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); var time = ''; if (hours > 0) { if (hours < 10) { time += '0'; time += hours + ':'; if (minutes < 10) { time += '0'; time += minutes + ':'; if (seconds < 10) { time += '0'; time += seconds; return time; };
import React from 'react'; Number.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { let seconds = Math.floor(this), hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); seconds -= hours*3600; let minutes = Math.floor(seconds / 60); seconds -= minutes*60; if (hours < 10) {hours = "0"+hours;} if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} ...
function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; Number.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { var sec_num = this; var hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((sec_num - (hours * 3600)) / 60); ...
Number.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { var hours = Math.floor(this / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((this - (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = Math.floor(this - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60)); if (hours < 10) {hours = "0"+hours;} if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} if (hours == 0) { var time = minutes+':'+seconds; ...
Number.prototype.toHHMMSS = function () { sec_numb = parseInt(this); var hours = Math.floor(sec_numb / 3600); var minutes = Math.floor((sec_numb - (hours * 3600)) / 60); var seconds = sec_numb - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60); return ( ( hours < 10 ) ? '0' + hours : hours ) + ':' + ( ( minutes < 10 ) ? '0' + minutes : minutes ) + ':' + ( ( seconds < 10 ) ? '0' + seconds : seconds ); }; ...
Number.prototype.toHHMMSS = function (displayFraction) { var fraction = ''; if (displayFraction === undefined) { displayFraction = false; var sec_num = parseInt(this, 10); if (displayFraction) { var fractionPart = this - sec_num; fraction = '.' + Math.ceil(((fractionPart < 1.0) ? fractionPart : (fractionPart % Math.floor(fractionPart))) * 1000) ...
"use strict" Number.prototype.toMMSS = function () { const sec_num = parseInt(this, 10); let minutes = Math.floor(sec_num / 60); let seconds = sec_num - (minutes * 60); if (minutes < 10) {minutes = "0"+minutes;} if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} return minutes+':'+seconds; Number.prototype.toSS = function () { const sec_num = parseInt(this, 10); let seconds = sec_num; if (seconds < 0) {seconds = 0;} if (seconds < 10) {seconds = "0"+seconds;} return seconds; Array.prototype.shuffle = function(){ let counter = this.length, temp, index; while (counter > 0) { index = (Math.random() * counter--) | 0; temp = this[counter]; this[counter] = this[index]; this[index] = temp; }; String.prototype.trunc = function(n) { return this.substr(0,n-1)+(this.length>n?'...':''); };