List of utility methods to do String Truncate
truncString.prototype.trunc = function(n,useWordBoundary){ var toLong = this.length>n, s_ = toLong ? this.substr(0,n-1) : this; s_ = useWordBoundary && toLong ? s_.substr(0,s_.lastIndexOf(' ')) : s_; return toLong ? s_ +'...' : s_; }; | |
truncString.prototype.trunc = function( n, useWordBoundary ){ var isTooLong = this.length > n, s_ = isTooLong ? this.substr(0,n-1) : this; s_ = (useWordBoundary && isTooLong) ? s_.substr(0,s_.lastIndexOf(' ')) : s_; return isTooLong ? s_ + '…' : s_; }; | |
truncString.prototype.trunc = function(n){ return this.substr(0,n-1)+(this.length>n?'…':''); }; | |
truncString.prototype.trunc = function (n, useWordBoundary) { var toLong = this.length > n, s_ = toLong ? this.substr(0, n - 1) : this; s_ = useWordBoundary && toLong ? s_.substr(0, s_.lastIndexOf(' ')) : s_; return toLong ? s_ + '...' : s_; }; String.prototype.nl2br = function () { ... | |
trunc()String.prototype.trunc = String.prototype.trunc || function(n){ return (this.length > n) ? this.substr(0,n-1)+'…' : this; }; | |
trunc()String.prototype.trunc = String.prototype.trunc || function(n){ return this.length>n ? this.substr(0,n-1)+'?' : this; }; | |
trunc()String.prototype.trunc = String.prototype.trunc || function(n){ return this.length>n ? this.substr(0,n-1)+'...' : this; }; | |
trunc(len,suffix)String.prototype.trunc = function(len,suffix) { return this.length > len ? this.slice(0, len) + (suffix||'…') : this; }; | |
trunc(len,suffix)String.prototype.trunc = String.prototype.trunc || function(len,suffix) { return this.length > len ? this.slice(0, len) + (suffix||'…') : this; }; | |
trunc(length, options)String.prototype.trunc = function(length, options) { var defaults = Ext.Object.merge({omission: "..."}, options || {}); var stop = length - defaults.omission.length; return (this.length > length ? this.substring(0, stop) + defaults.omission : this).toString(); }; |