Nodejs String Template template()

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Method Source Code

String.prototype.template = function () {
  var current = this;

  function safeRegexEscape(str) {
    return str.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1");
  }//  ww w  . j a va2s. c o  m

  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    var arg = arguments[i];
    current = current.replace(new RegExp(safeRegexEscape("%%")), arg);

  return current;


  1. template(fn, object)
    String.prototype.template = function (fn, object) {'use strict';
        hasTransformer = typeof fn === 'function',
        stringify = JSON.stringify,
        re = /\$\{([\S\s]*?)\}/g,
        strings = [],
        values = hasTransformer ? [] : strings,
        i = 0,
  2. template(map)
        return $(this.replace(/{([^}]+)}/g, function(m,g) {
            console.log(map, m,g)
            var segments = g.split('.');
            var val = map;
            for(var i in segments) {
            return val;
  3. template(objVar)
    String.prototype.template = function (objVar)
      var strVar = this;
      if(typeof objVar === "object")
        var length = strVar.length;
        var start = -1;
        var key = "";
        for(var index = 0; index < length; index++)
  4. tmpl(d)
    String.prototype.tmpl = function(d) {
      return this.replace(/\$\$([^$]+)\$\$/g,
        Function('d', 'return function(_,s){with(d) return eval(s)}')(d||{}))