Nodejs String Starts With startsWith(value)

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Method Source Code

/*global QUnit*///from   w  ww .ja  v  a2  s .  com

String.prototype.startsWith = function (value) {
    'use strict';
    return this.lastIndexOf(value, 0) === 0;


  1. startsWith(text)
    console.log(typeof Array.prototype.sort);          
    console.log(typeof String.prototype.substring);    
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (text) {
      return this.indexOf(text) === 0;
    var msg = 'Hello world!';
  2. startsWith(text)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (text) {
        return this.indexOf(text) == 0;
    var msg = "Hello world!";
  3. startsWith(text)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (text) {
      return this.substring(0, text.length) === text;
  4. startsWith(text)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function(text) {
        return text != null && this.indexOf(text) == 0;
  5. startsWith(value)
    String.prototype.startsWith=  function(value)
        if (value.length <= this.length)
            return this.substring(0, value.length) == value;
        return false;
  6. startsWith(value)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function(value) {
      if (!value)
        return false;
      if (value.length > this.length)
        return false;
      return value === this.substring(0, value.length);
    String.prototype.formatForUrl = function () {
      return this.replace(/[^a-z0-9]/gi, '-').toLowerCase();
  7. startsWith(value)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (value) {
      if (value == undefined || typeof (value) != "string")
        return false;
      if (value.length == 0)
        return true;
      return this.substring(0, value.length) == value;
  8. startsWith(value)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (value) {
        "use strict";
        var length = this.substring(0, value.length),
            startsWith = false;
        if (length === value && value !== "" && value !== 'undefined') {
            startsWith = true;
        return startsWith;
  9. startsWith(x)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (x) {
      return this.indexOf(x) === 0;