Nodejs String Starts With startsWith(prefix)

Here you can find the source of startsWith(prefix)

Method Source Code

String.prototype.startsWith = function(prefix){
    return (this.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) === 0);


  1. startsWith(prefix)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (prefix) {
        return this.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix.toLowerCase()) == 0;
  2. startsWith(prefix)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (prefix){
        return this.slice(0, prefix.length) === prefix;
  3. startsWith(prefix)
    String.prototype.startsWith = String.prototype.startsWith || function (prefix){
        return this.slice(0, prefix.length) === prefix;
  4. startsWith(prefix)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (prefix) {
      return this.substring(0, prefix.length) === prefix;
  5. startsWith(prefix)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function(prefix) {
      return this.slice(0, str.length) == str;
  6. startsWith(prefix)
    'use strict';
    var mime = require('mime');
    String.prototype.startsWith = function(prefix) {
      return this.indexOf(prefix) === 0;
    String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix) {
      return this.indexOf(suffix, this.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
  7. startsWith(prefix)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (prefix){
      return this.slice(0, prefix.length) == prefix;
  8. startsWith(prefix)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function(prefix)
      if(prefix == null)
        return false;
      if(this.length < prefix.length)
        return false;
      return this.substring(0, prefix.length) == prefix;
    String.prototype.endsWith = function(suffix)
  9. startsWith(prefix)
    String.prototype.startsWith = function (prefix) {
      return this.substring(0, prefix.length) == prefix;