Here you can find the source of escaped()
String.prototype.escaped = function () { return this.replace(/&/gim, "&").replace(/</gim, "<").replace(/>/gim, ">").replace(/"/gim, """).replace(/'/gim, "'"); }
String.prototype.escapeOnce = function () { return this.replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/&(?!([a-zA-Z]+|#\d+);)/g, '&'); };
String.prototype.escapeQuotes = function() var m = {"\"": "\\\"", "'": "\\'"}; return String(this.replace("\\", "\\\\")).replace(/["']/g, function(s) return m[s]; });
String.prototype.escapeSecure = function () { var returnStr, tmpStr; tmpStr = $(this); tmpStr.find("script").remove(); returnStr = tmpStr.html(); return returnStr; };
String.prototype.escapeSelector = function( find ) find = new RegExp( '([' + (find || '\[\]:') + '])' ); return this.replace(find, '\\$1'); }; Array.prototype.powerSet = function() var i = 1, j = 0, ...
String.prototype.escapeURL = function() { return escape(this)