Nodejs String Empty Check isEmpty()

Here you can find the source of isEmpty()

Method Source Code

String.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
    return this == null || this == '';

RegExp.escape = function(val) {
    return val.replace(/[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");


  1. isNullOrWhitespace(input)
    String.isNullOrWhitespace = function( input ) {
      return !input || !input.trim();
  2. isEmpty()
    String.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
      return this == '';
  3. isEmpty()
    String.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
        return (this.length === 0 || !this.trim());
  4. isEmpty()
    "use strict";
    String.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
        return (this.length === 0 || !this.trim());
  5. isEmpty()
    String.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
      return this.length === 0 || !this.trim();
  6. isEmpty()
    String.prototype.isEmpty = function() { 
      return (!this.length) 
  7. isEmpty()
    String.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
      return this.toString().trim() == "";
  8. isEmpty()
    String.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
      return (!this || 0 === this.length);
  9. isEmpty()
    String.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
      return (this == '');