Nodejs String Camel Case toBigCamelCase()

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Method Source Code

// order-center => OrderCenter,order_center => OrderCenter
String.prototype.toBigCamelCase = function () {
  var sourceStr = this.toString();
  var str = '';

  var strArr = sourceStr.split('-');
  strArr.forEach(function (el) {
    str = str + el.firstUppserCase();// w ww .j a v  a  2  s.c o m

  return str;


  1. camelizecamelize()
    String.prototype.camelize = function camelize(){
      return this.replace (/(?:^|[-_])(\w)/g, function (_, c) {
        return c ? c.toUpperCase () : '';
  2. dashToCamel(str)
    String.prototype.dashToCamel = function(str) {
        if(str == undefined) {
            str = this;
        return str.replace(/\-+(.)/g, function (x, chr) {
            return chr.toUpperCase();
  3. decamel()
    String.prototype.decamel = function() {
        return this.replace(/[A-Z][a-z_-]*/g, function(txt) {
            return txt + ' ';
  4. decamelize()
    String.prototype.decamelize = function() {
      return this.replace(/[A-Z]/g, ' $&').toLowerCase().capitalize();
  5. spineCaseToCamelCase()
    String.prototype.spineCaseToCamelCase = function() {
        var input = this;
        var output = "";
        var trimmedInput = input.trim();
        var firstLetter = trimmedInput.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase();
        var afterFirstLetter = trimmedInput.substring(1);
        var camelCased = afterFirstLetter.replace(/-([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase(); }).replace(/ ([a-z])/g, function (g) { return g[1].toUpperCase(); });
        var camelNoExtraDashesOrWhite = camelCased.replace(/[-]/g, "").replace(/\s/g, "");
        output = firstLetter + camelNoExtraDashesOrWhite;
  6. toCamel()
    String.prototype.toCamel = function(){
      return this.replace(/(\-[a-z])/g, function($1){return $1.toUpperCase().replace('-','');});
  7. toCamel()
    String.prototype.toCamel = function(){
        return this.replace(/^([A-Z])|\s(\w)/g, function(match, p1, p2, offset) {
            if (p2) return p2.toUpperCase();
            return p1.toLowerCase();        
  8. toCamel()
    String.prototype.toCamel = function() {
      return this.replace(/(\_[a-z])/g, function($1){return $1.toUpperCase().replace('_','');});
  9. toCamel()
    String.prototype.toCamel = function() {
      return this.toLowerCase().replace(/_(.)/g, function(match, group1) {
        return group1.toUpperCase();