Nodejs Pixel to EM Convert pxToEm(settings)

Here you can find the source of pxToEm(settings)

Method Source Code

 * javascript method: "pxToEm"/*from  ww w .ja v  a 2  s  . c  o  m*/
 * by:
   Scott Jehl (
   Maggie Wachs (
 * Copyright (c) 2008 Filament Group
 * Dual licensed under the MIT ( and GPL ( licenses.
 * Description: Extends the native Number and String objects with pxToEm method. pxToEm converts a pixel value to ems depending on inherited font size.
 * Article:
 * Demo:
 * Options:
       scope: string or jQuery selector for font-size scoping
       reverse: Boolean, true reverses the conversion to em-px
 * Dependencies: jQuery library
 * Usage Example: myPixelValue.pxToEm(); or myPixelValue.pxToEm({'scope':'#navigation', reverse: true});
 * Version: 2.0, 08.01.2008
 * Changelog:
 *      08.02.2007 initial Version 1.0
 *      08.01.2008 - fixed font-size calculation for IE

Number.prototype.pxToEm = String.prototype.pxToEm = function(settings){
   //set defaults
   settings = jQuery.extend({
      scope: 'body',
      reverse: false
   }, settings);

   var pxVal = (this == '') ? 0 : parseFloat(this);
   var scopeVal;
   var getWindowWidth = function(){
      var de = document.documentElement;
      return self.innerWidth || (de && de.clientWidth) || document.body.clientWidth;

   /* When a percentage-based font-size is set on the body, IE returns that percent of the window width as the font-size.
      For example, if the body font-size is 62.5% and the window width is 1000px, IE will return 625px as the font-size.
      When this happens, we calculate the correct body font-size (%) and multiply it by 16 (the standard browser font size)
      to get an accurate em value. */

   if (settings.scope == 'body' && $.browser.msie && (parseFloat($('body').css('font-size')) / getWindowWidth()).toFixed(1) > 0.0) {
      var calcFontSize = function(){
         return (parseFloat($('body').css('font-size'))/getWindowWidth()).toFixed(3) * 16;
      scopeVal = calcFontSize();
   else { scopeVal = parseFloat(jQuery(settings.scope).css("font-size")); };

   var result = (settings.reverse == true) ? (pxVal * scopeVal).toFixed(2) + 'px' : (pxVal / scopeVal).toFixed(2) + 'em';
   return result;