Nodejs Number Value Check isNumeric()

Here you can find the source of isNumeric()

Method Source Code

// extend the string prototype object to abstract generic functionality
String.prototype.isNumeric = function(){
    return !isNaN(parseFloat(this)) && isFinite(this);


  1. isNumber()
    String.prototype.isNumber = function(){
      return !isNaN(this);
  2. isNumber()
    String.prototype.isNumber = function(){
      var pattern=/^[+\-]?\d+(.\d+)?$/;
      if(flag) return true;
      return false;
  3. isNumber()
    String.prototype.isNumber = function (){
        var str = this;
        return !isNaN(str);
  4. isNumber()
    String.prototype.isNumber = function()
      return (/^\d+$/.test(this.Trim()));
  5. isNumber()
    String.prototype.isNumber = function()
        var value = this.toString();
        value = value.replace(",","");
          if (parseFloat(value)!= value)
            return false;
  6. isNumeric()
    String.prototype.isNumeric = function() {
      return !isNaN(parseFloat(this)) && isFinite(this);
  7. isNumeric()
    String.prototype.isNumeric = function() {
      return !isNaN(parseFloat(this)) && isFinite(this);
  8. isNumeric()
    String.prototype.isNumeric = function() {
        var tmpFloat = parseFloat(this);
        if (isNaN(tmpFloat))
            return false;
        var tmpLen = this.length - tmpFloat.toString().length;
        return tmpFloat + "0".Repeat(tmpLen) == this;
  9. isNumeric()
    var postfixStack = new Array
    String.prototype.isNumeric = function() {
        return !isNaN(parseFloat(this)) && isFinite(this);
    function MathSolver() {
    this.infixToPostfix = function(infix) {
     for(var i = 0; i < infix.length; i++) {
                var token = infix[i];
                if(token.isNumeric()) {