Here you can find the source of even()
Number.prototype.even = function(){ return (this % 2 === 0); };
Number.prototype.odd = function () { return (this % 2 == 1)
Number.prototype.odd = function(){ return ( ( this % 2 ) == 1 )
Number.prototype.isBetween = function(l,h){ return (this >= l.val() && this <= h.val());
Number.prototype.isBetween = function (min, max, inclusive) { return inclusive ? this >= min && this <= max : this > min && this < max; };
Number.prototype.isBetween = function isBetween(a, b) { if(a <= this) { return this <= b; return this >= b;
var puts = require("sys").puts; Number.square = function(n) { return n * n Number.even = function(n) { return n % 2 == 0 Number.odd = function(n) { return !this.even(n) ...
String.prototype.isNumber = function(){ return !isNaN(this); };
String.prototype.isNumber = function(){ var pattern=/^[+\-]?\d+(.\d+)?$/; flag=pattern.test(this); if(flag) return true; return false;
String.prototype.isNumber = function (){ var str = this; return !isNaN(str);