Nodejs Float Round $round(fractionalDigits)

Here you can find the source of $round(fractionalDigits)

Method Source Code

Number.prototype.$round = function(fractionalDigits) {
    return parseFloat(this.toFixed(fractionalDigits));


  1. roundTo(num, dec)
    Math.roundTo = function (num, dec) {
      return Math.round(num * Math.pow(10, dec)) / Math.pow(10, dec);
  2. round(value)
    Util.round = function(value) {
      return new Number((new Number(value)).toFixed(2));
  3. roundTo (num, to)
    Math.ceilTo = function roundTo (num, to) {
        if (num < to) {
            return to;
        var amount = to * Math.ceil(num / to);
        if (amount === 0) {
            amount = to;
        return amount;
  4. roundTo(num, to)
    Math.roundTo = function roundTo (num, to) {
        if (num < to / 2) {
            return 0;
        var amount = to * Math.round(num / to);
        if (amount === 0) {
            amount = to;
        return amount;
  5. decRound(num, decimals)
    function MyMath () {}
    MyMath.decRound = function(num, decimals){
        return Math.round(num*Math.pow(10,decimals))/Math.pow(10,decimals);
  6. ToRound(digits)
    Number.prototype.ToRound = function (digits) {
        if (digits < 0 || digits > 10)
            return this;
        var pow10 = Math.pow(10, digits);
        return Math.round(this * pow10) / pow10;
  7. round()
    Number.prototype.round = function() {
      return Math.round(this);
  8. round()
    Number.prototype.round = function() {
      return Math.round(this);
  9. round(d)
    Number.prototype.round = function(d) {
      const string_number = String(this)
      const split_string = string_number.split('.')
      if (split_string.length === 1) return this
      const integer_chunk = split_string[0]
      if (!d) return integer_chunk
      const decimal_chunk = split_string[1]
      const determinig_digit = parseInt(decimal_chunk[d])
      if (determinig_digit < 5) {