Nodejs Date Format pattern(fmt)

Here you can find the source of pattern(fmt)

Method Source Code

/**      /*from www .  j  a v  a 2  s .  c  o  m*/
 * (new Date()).pattern("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.S") ==> 2006-07-02 08:09:04.423      
 * (new Date()).pattern("yyyy-MM-dd E HH:mm:ss") ==> 2009-03-10 ? 20:09:04      
 * (new Date()).pattern("yyyy-MM-dd EE hh:mm:ss") ==> 2009-03-10 ?? 08:09:04      
 * (new Date()).pattern("yyyy-MM-dd EEE hh:mm:ss") ==> 2009-03-10 ??? 08:09:04      
 * (new Date()).pattern("yyyy-M-d h:m:s.S") ==> 2006-7-2 8:9:4.18      
Date.prototype.pattern=function(fmt) {         
    var o = {         
    "M+" : this.getMonth()+1, //??         
    "d+" : this.getDate(), //?         
    "h+" : this.getHours()%12 == 0 ? 12 : this.getHours()%12, //??         
    "H+" : this.getHours(), //??         
    "m+" : this.getMinutes(), //?         
    "s+" : this.getSeconds(), //?         
    "q+" : Math.floor((this.getMonth()+3)/3), //??         
    "S" : this.getMilliseconds() //??         
    var week = {         
    "0" : "/u65e5",         
    "1" : "/u4e00",         
    "2" : "/u4e8c",         
    "3" : "/u4e09",         
    "4" : "/u56db",         
    "5" : "/u4e94",         
    "6" : "/u516d"        
        fmt=fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear()+"").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));         
        fmt=fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, ((RegExp.$1.length>1) ? (RegExp.$1.length>2 ? "/u661f/u671f" : "/u5468") : "")+week[this.getDay()+""]);         
    for(var k in o){         
        if(new RegExp("("+ k +")").test(fmt)){         
            fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length==1) ? (o[k]) : (("00"+ o[k]).substr((""+ o[k]).length)));         
    return fmt;         


  1. fromISO(s)
    Date.prototype.fromISO= function(s){
      var day, tz, rx=  /^(\d{4}\-\d\d\-\d\d([tT][\d:\.]*)?)([zZ]|([+\-])(\d\d):(\d\d))?$/, p= rx.exec(s) || [];
        day= p[1].split(/\D/).map(function(itm){
          return parseInt(itm, 10) || 0;
        day[1]-= 1;
        day= new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, day));
        if(!day.getDate()) return NaN;
  2. pattern(fmt)
    Date.prototype.pattern=function(fmt) {      
        var o = {      
        "M+" : this.getMonth()+1, 
        "d+" : this.getDate(), 
        "h+" : this.getHours()%12 == 0 ? 12 : this.getHours()%12, 
        "H+" : this.getHours(), 
        "m+" : this.getMinutes(), 
        "s+" : this.getSeconds(), 
        "q+" : Math.floor((this.getMonth()+3)/3), 
  3. pattern(fmt)
    Date.prototype.pattern=function(fmt) {
        var o = {
            "M+" : this.getMonth()+1, 
            "d+" : this.getDate(), 
            "h+" : this.getHours()%12 == 0 ? 12 : this.getHours()%12, 
            "H+" : this.getHours(), 
            "m+" : this.getMinutes(), 
            "s+" : this.getSeconds(), 
            "q+" : Math.floor((this.getMonth()+3)/3), 
  4. pattern(fmt)
    Date.prototype.pattern = function (fmt) {
        var set = {
            "M+": this.getMonth() + 1,
            "d+": this.getDate(),
            "h+": this.getHours() % 12 == 0 ? 12 : this.getHours() % 12,
            "H+": this.getHours(),
            "m+": this.getMinutes(),
            "s+": this.getSeconds(),
            "q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3),
  5. pattern(fmt)
    Date.prototype.pattern=function(fmt) {        
        var o = {        
        "M+" : this.getMonth()+1, 
        "d+" : this.getDate(), 
        "h+" : this.getHours()%12 == 0 ? 12 : this.getHours()%12, 
        "H+" : this.getHours(), 
        "m+" : this.getMinutes(), 
        "s+" : this.getSeconds(), 
        "q+" : Math.floor((this.getMonth()+3)/3), 
  6. shortFormat()
    Date.prototype.shortFormat = function() {
      return (this.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + this.getDate() + "/" + this.getFullYear();
  7. shortFormat()
    Date.prototype.shortFormat = function() {
      return (this.getMonth() + 1) + "/" + this.getDate() + "/" + this.getFullYear();
  8. simpleFormat()
    Date.prototype.simpleFormat = function()
        var d=this;
        return (""+d.getFullYear()+"-"+("00" + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)) + "-" +
            ("00" + d.getDate()).slice(-2);
  9. simpleFormatWithMinutes()
    Date.prototype.simpleFormatWithMinutes = function()
        var d=this;
        return (""+d.getFullYear()+"-"+("00" + (d.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2)) + "-" +
            ("00" + d.getDate()).slice(-2)  +" "+
            ("00" + d.getHours()).slice(-2) + ":" +
            ("00" + d.getMinutes()).slice(-2)
    Array.prototype.contains = function(obj) {