Nodejs Array Max max(selector)

Here you can find the source of max(selector)

Method Source Code

Array.prototype.max = function(selector){

   var maxItem = this[0];
   var maxValue = -999999;
      var value = selector(item);
      if( value > maxValue ){
         maxItem = item;//from  w ww  .  j ava2 s . com
         maxValue = value;

   return maxItem;



  1. max(fun)
    Array.prototype.max = function (fun) {
        var max = this[0];
        this.forEach(x => {
            if (fun ? fun(max, x) : (max < x))
                max = x;
        return max;
  2. max(func)
    Array.prototype.max = function (func) {
        return func === undefined ? Math.max.apply(null, this) : Math.max.apply(null,;
  3. max(k)
    Array.prototype.max = function (k) {
      return Math.max.apply (null, this.column (k));
  4. max(prop)
    Array.prototype.max = function (prop) {
        var max = prop ? this[0][prop] : this[0];
        var len = this.length;
        for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) {
            var item = prop ? this[i][prop] : this[i];
            if (item > max) {
                max = item;
        return max;
  5. max(s)
    Array.prototype.max = function (s) {
      s = s || Selector;
      var l = this.length;
      var max = s(this[0]);
      while (l-- > 0)
        if (s(this[l]) > max) max = s(this[l]);
      return max;
  6. maxima()
    Array.prototype.maxima = function() {
      for(var i = 0, maxValue = Number.MIN_VALUE; i < this.length; i++) {
        parseInt(this[i]) > maxValue && (maxValue = this[i]);
      return maxValue
    var arr = [1,21,3,4,22,45,6,7,32];
    console.log(arr.join("|") + ":" + arr.maxima());
  7. maxima()
    Array.prototype.maxima = function(){
      for (var i = 0, maxValue = Number.MIN_VALUE; i < this.length; i++) {
        parseInt(this[i]) > maxValue &&  (maxValue = this[i])
      return maxValue
    var arr = [1,21,3,4,22,45,6,7,32];
    console.log(arr.join("|")+" "+arr.maxima());
  8. maximum()
    'use strict';
    Array.prototype.maximum = function () {
      return this.reduce(function (max, aValue) {
        return Math.max(max, aValue);
      }, this[0]);
  9. maximum()
    Array.prototype.maximum = function()
        var max = this[0];
        for(el in this)
            if(this[el] > max)
                max = this[el] ;
        return max ;