Nodejs Array Insert insert(elem, pos)

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Method Source Code

/* Insert expands the array.
 * Add only adds an element to the array if the given
 * position in the array has not been occupied.
 *///from w ww.  j ava  2 s .c o m
Array.prototype.insert = function(elem, pos) {
    this.splice(pos, 0, elem);


  1. insert( i, v )
    Array.prototype.insert = function( i, v ) {
      if (this.length == 0)
        return [v];
      if( i>=0 ) {
        var a = this.slice(), b = a.splice( i );
        a[i] = v;
        return a.concat( b );
  2. insert(element)
    Array.prototype.insert = function(element) {
      if (this.indexOf(element) === -1) {
      return this;
  3. insert(i, ob)
    Array.prototype.insert = function(i, ob) {
        i = i - 1;
        if (i < 0)i = 0;
        if (i > this.length)i = this.length;
        var st = (i == 0) ? [] : this.slice(0, i);
        var ed = (i >= this.length) ? [] : this.slice(i);
        return st.concat(ed);
  4. insert(idx, item)
    Array.prototype.insert = function(idx, item) {
      this.splice(idx, 0, item);
  5. insert(index , item)
    Array.prototype.insert = function(index , item){
        this.splice(index, 0, item);