Nodejs Array Empty empty()

Here you can find the source of empty()

Method Source Code

Array.prototype.empty = function () {
  return !(this.length > 0)


  1. empty()
    Array.prototype.empty = function () {
      return(this.size() < 1) }
  2. empty()
    Array.prototype.empty = function(){
        return this.length === 0;
  3. empty()
    Array.prototype.empty = function() {
      return this.length == 0;
  4. empty()
    Array.prototype.empty = function(){
      this.length =0;
      return this;
  5. empty()
    Array.prototype.empty = function() {
        return !this.length;
    var a = [];
    if (a.empty()) {
    var a = [];
    if (!a.length) {