Javascript RegExp Bracket

Javascript examples for RegExp:Bracket


Click the following links for the tutorial for RegExp and Bracket.

  1. Do a global, case-insensitive search for the character-span that's NOT [a-s]:
  2. Do a global search for the character-span NOT from uppercase "A" to lowercase "e":
  3. Do a global search for the character-span NOT from uppercase "A" to uppercase "E":
  4. Do a global search for the character-span NOT from lowercase "a" to lowercase "h" in a string:
  5. Do a global search for characters that are NOT "i" and "s" in a string:
  6. RegExp [^abc] Expression
  7. Use "g" and "gi"-search for characters: case sensitive and case insensitive
  8. Do a global, case-insensitive search for the character-span [a-s]:

  9. Do a global search for the character-span from uppercase "A" to lowercase "e"
  10. Do a global search for the character-span from uppercase "A" to uppercase "E":
  11. Do a global search for the character-span from lowercase "a" to lowercase "h" in a string:
  12. Do a global search for the characters "i" and "s" in a string:
  13. RegExp [abc] Expression matches any character between the brackets.
  14. Do a global search for the number "1" in a string:
  15. RegExp [0-9] Expression
  16. Do a global search for at least one word character:

  17. Do a global search for numbers that are NOT 5 to 8 in a string:
  18. Do a global search for numbers that are NOT "1" in a string:
  19. RegExp [^0-9] Expression matches any character that is NOT a digit.
  20. Do a global, multiline search for "is" at the end of each line in a string:
  21. Do a global, case-insensitive, multiline search for "is" at the beginning of each line in a string:
  22. Do a global, multiline search for "is" at the beginning of each line in a string:
  23. Do a global, case-insensitive search for "is":
  24. RegExp (x|y) Expression
  25. Regex for capturing variables in curved brackets
  26. Use regex to Remove comma only if it is not in brackets
  27. Replace numbers between [] like [123]