HTML5 Game - Canvas Shape Tree

Drawing a tree

The following code creates a tree by drawing a trunk which forks into two branches.

It continues to draw two more branches that stem from the branches we just drew.


ResultView the demo in separate window

            function drawBranches(context, startX, startY, trunkWidth, level){
               if (level >2) {//from w  ww .jav a 2 s.c om
               let changeX = 100 / (level + 1);
               let changeY = 200 / (level + 1);
               let topRightX = startX + Math.random() * changeX;
               let topRightY = startY - Math.random() * changeY;
               let topLeftX = startX - Math.random() * changeX;
               let topLeftY = startY - Math.random() * changeY;
               // draw right branch
               context.moveTo(startX + trunkWidth / 4, startY);
               context.quadraticCurveTo(startX + trunkWidth / 4, startY - trunkWidth, topRightX, topRightY);
               context.lineWidth = trunkWidth;
               context.lineCap = "round";
               // draw left branch
               context.moveTo(startX - trunkWidth / 4, startY);
               context.quadraticCurveTo(startX - trunkWidth / 4, startY -
               trunkWidth, topLeftX, topLeftY);
               context.lineWidth = trunkWidth;
               context.lineCap = "round";
               drawBranches(context, topRightX, topRightY, trunkWidth * 0.7, level + 1);
               drawBranches(context, topLeftX, topLeftY, trunkWidth * 0.7, level + 1);
            window.onload = function(){
                canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
                context = canvas.getContext("2d");
                drawBranches(context, canvas.width / 2, canvas.height, 10, 0);
        <canvas id="myCanvas" width="600" height="500" style="border:1px solid black;">


The code used the recursive function that defines the mathematical nature of a tree.

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