Two methods from String class can access specific characters in the string: charAt() and charCodeAt().
These methods each accept a single argument, which is the character's zero-based position.
The charAt() method returns the character in the given position as a single-character string.
var stringValue = "hello world"; console.log(stringValue.charAt(1)); //"e"
The character in position 1 of "hello world" is "e", so calling charAt(1) returns "e".
To get the character's character code instead of the actual character, use charCodeAt().
var stringValue = "hello world"; console.log(stringValue.charCodeAt(1)); //outputs "101"
This example outputs "101", which is the character code for the lowercase "e" character.
You can use bracket notation with a numeric index to access a specific character in the string:
var stringValue = "hello world"; console.log(stringValue[1]); //"e"
fromCharCode() takes one or more character codes and convert them into a string.
This is the reverse operation from the charCodeAt() instance method.
console.log(String.fromCharCode(104, 101, 108, 108, 111)); //"hello"