Javascript - Identically Equal and Not Identically Equal


The identically equal and not identically equal operators do not convert operands before testing for equality.

The identically equal operator is === and returns true only if the operands are equal without conversion.

var result1 = ("55" == 55);    //true - equal because of conversion 
var result2 = ("55" === 55);   //false - not equal because different data types 

The not identically equal operator is !== and returns true only if the operands are not equal without conversion. For example:

var result1 = ("55" != 55);    //false - equal because of conversion 
var result2 = ("55" !== 55);   //true - not equal because different data types 

null == undefined is true because they are similar values, null === undefined is false because they are not the same type.

It is recommended to use identically equal and not identically equal.