Java XML XML String
Java examples for XML:XML String
XML String
Click the following links for the tutorial for XML and XML String.
Given a string, replace all the instances of XML entities with their corresponding XML special characters.
Searches an XML string for an entity definition and returns its value.
Replaces the value of an entity in an XML string and returns the updated XML string.
determining whether a specified character is a character according to production 2 of the XML 1.0 specification.
replace Non XML Characters
Quote a string, and write to a PrintWriter for XML.
Strips all XML tags (converts to plain text).
get Address Xml by appending tag string together
Add boolean Content to XML Tag
get Value From XML Tag
Replaces a tag given by a tag name in an xml string.
Appends an empty XML tag to the given StringBuffer .
Appends an end XML tag to the given StringBuffer .
Returns true if the given character is a tag name character by the XML standard, otherwise false.
Returns true if the given character is a tag name start character by the XML standard, otherwise false.
Retrieve the name of the first tag in the XML document specified by the given Reader, without parsing the full file/string.
Throws an XMLParseException to indicate that extra data is encountered in a closing tag.
decompress XML String
Unescapes the String by converting XML escape sequences back into normal characters.
Detect bad xml 1.0 characters
Replace bad xml characters in given array by space
unescape Xml