Returns a button to add to a panel in a tabbed pane. - Java Swing

Java examples for Swing:JButton


Returns a button to add to a panel in a tabbed pane.

Demo Code

/*/*w w  w  .  j a  va2 s  .co  m*/
 * 09/08/2005
 * - Utility methods for org.fife.ui classes.
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Robert Futrell
 * Licensed under a modified BSD license.
 * See the included license file for details.
//package com.java2s;

import javax.swing.JButton;

public class Main {
    private static int nonOpaqueTabbedPaneComponents = -1;

     * Returns a button to add to a panel in a tabbed pane.  This method
     * checks system properties to determine the operating system this JVM is
     * running in; if it is determined that this OS paints its tabbed panes
     * in a special way (such as the gradient tabbed panes in Windows XP),
     * then the button returned is not opaque.  Otherwise, a regular (opaque)
     * button is returned.
     * @return A button to add to a <code>JTabbedPane</code>.
     * @see #newTabbedPanePanel()
    public static JButton newTabbedPaneButton(String text) {
        JButton button = new JButton(text);
        if (getUseNonOpaqueTabbedPaneComponents())
        return button;

     * Returns whether or not this operating system should use non-opaque
     * components in tabbed panes to show off, for example, a gradient effect.
     * @return Whether or not non-opaque components should be used in tabbed
     *         panes.
    static synchronized boolean getUseNonOpaqueTabbedPaneComponents() {

        if (nonOpaqueTabbedPaneComponents == -1) {

            // Check for Windows XP.
            String osname = System.getProperty("");
            if (osname.toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") > -1) {
                String osver = System.getProperty("os.version");
                boolean isXPorVista = osver.startsWith("5.1")
                        || osver.startsWith("6.0");
                nonOpaqueTabbedPaneComponents = isXPorVista ? 1 : 0;
            } else {
                nonOpaqueTabbedPaneComponents = 0;


        return nonOpaqueTabbedPaneComponents == 1 ? true : false;


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