Java Security SHA
Java examples for Security:SHA
Click the following links for the tutorial for Security and SHA.
hash Name to long value via SHA
make SHA Hash
get SHA1 hash for File
Returns the SHA-1 of the specified string
core sha1 for int array
get Hmac SHA Hash
hex sha1 String
string sha1 Hash
sha256 Digest String
encode byte array Hmac SHA
Calculates the SHA-1 digest and returns the value as a hex string.
generate SHA-512 Salt
SHA-512 hash
generate HmacSHA1 Mac Signature
generate SHA Checksum File
Retrieves the SHA-1 sum of a file.
compute Hmac
Convenience method to generate the HMAC-SHA1 signatures we are using in this application.
General hmac method - can pass in any string recognized by Mac.getInstance .
Generates the HMAC of a given message, using a given key.
Calculates the SHA256 hash of the string.
Computes a HMAC-SHA1 message digest of a given message, appends it to the message, returns the output.
Extracts a HMAC-SHA1 message digest form the end of the given message and determines whether it is valid.
get Sha Digest As String
Calculates a SHA1 digest for a string.
to SHA-1
create SHA1 Sign
This function calculates the SHA1 value of a given string
sha Encode
sha1 digest operation class.
Create SHA 256 Digest
bouncycastle SHA