Java Reflection Property

Java examples for Reflection:Property


Click the following links for the tutorial for Reflection and Property.

  1. Copies property values from the source to the destination for all cases where the property names are the same.
  2. Returns the property descriptors of a class or an interface.
  3. Returns property Id class for property declared in clazz .
  4. get Property Descriptors
  5. Returns value based on the property Name.
  6. get Value By Property Name
  7. Returns a list of all of a pojo's PropertyDescriptors
  8. Locates the PropertyDescriptor for the passed name in the passed class.

  9. Returns a list of a pojo's PropertyDescriptors minus the same for java.lang.Object.
  10. Retrieves a property descriptor object for a given property.
  11. Gets the specified attribute from the specified object.
  12. Sets the specified attribute on the specified object.
  13. Returns the value of the named attribute from the passed pojo.
  14. Returns an alpha sorted string array of a pojo's attribute names.
  15. Gets a complete list of all a pojo's attribute names.
  16. Sets an attribute on the passed object instance.

  17. get Properties By Reflect
  18. Gets the property descriptor for the property name from given class.
  19. Gets the return type of property.
  20. Checks whether the property is editable or not.
  21. Goes recursively into the interface and gets all defined propertyDescriptors
  22. Tries to set the property 'name' to `value` in the given object.
  23. Switches the first character of the propertyName to upper case and adds the prefix
  24. Finds a property descriptor for the class that matches the property name.
  25. Returns a event set descriptor for the class that matches the property name.
  26. Returns an indexed property descriptor for the class that matches the property name.
  27. Returns a property descriptor for the class that matches the property name.
  28. Returns an array of property descriptors for specified class.
  29. Reports all the interesting information in an Indexed/PropertyDescrptor.
  30. get Valid Property Name