Creating an Oracle Table to Store Java Types - Java JDBC

Java examples for JDBC:Oracle


Creating an Oracle Table to Store Java Types

Demo Code

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;

public class Main {
  public void myMethod() {
    try {/*from   w  w w  . j a va2  s.  com*/
      Connection connection = null;
      Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();

      // Create a VARRAY type; see Creating a VARRAY Type in an Oracle Database
      stmt.execute("CREATE TYPE number_varray AS VARRAY(10) OF NUMBER(12, 2)");

      // Create an OBJECT type; Creating an OBJECT Type in an Oracle Database
      stmt.execute("CREATE TYPE my_object AS OBJECT(col_string2 VARCHAR(30), col_int2 INTEGER)");

      // Note that Oracle database only allows at most one column of LONG type
      // in a table.
      // Column Name Oracle Type Java Type
      String sql = "CREATE TABLE oracle_all_table("
          + "col_short           SMALLINT, " // short
          + "col_int             INTEGER, " // int
          + "col_float           REAL, " // float; can also be NUMBER
          + "col_double          DOUBLE PRECISION, " // double; can also be
                                                     // FLOAT or NUMBER
          + "col_bigdecimal      DECIMAL(13,0), " // BigDecimal
          + "col_string          VARCHAR2(254), " // String; can also be CHAR(n)
          + "col_characterstream LONG, " // CharacterStream or AsciiStream
          + "col_bytes           RAW(2000), " // byte[]; can also be LONG RAW(n)
          + "col_binarystream    RAW(2000), " // BinaryStream; can also be LONG
                                              // RAW(n)
          + "col_timestamp       DATE, " // Timestamp
          + "col_clob            CLOB, " // Clob
          + "col_blob            BLOB, " // Blob; can also be BFILE
          + "col_array           number_varray, " // oracle.sql.ARRAY
          + "col_object          my_object)"; // oracle.sql.OBJECT

    } catch (SQLException e) {

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