Java java.util Year

Java examples for java.util:Year


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.util and Year.

  1. Get current year by yyyy
  2. get Current Year
  3. last Day Of Year
  4. Adds years to the given Date object and returns it.
  5. Determines if the given year is a leap year.
  6. Subtract years to the given Date object and returns it.
  7. Calculates difference in years between to dates.
  8. compare Year

  9. year Floor
  10. Determinate leap year
  11. get First Day Of Year
  12. get Last Day Of Year
  13. is Year First Day
  14. Adjusts the Calendar to the end of the day of the last day in DST in the current year or unchanged if not using DST.
  15. Adjusts the Calendar to the end of the day of the first day in DST in the current year or unchanged if not using DST.
  16. Returns a boolean indicating if the given calendar represents the start of a year (in the calendar's time zone).

  17. Adjusts the given Calendar to the start of the year.
  18. Returns whether the specified year is a leap year in the Gregorian calendar system.
  19. Adds the specified (signed) amount of year to the given time field, based on the calendar's rules.
  20. Determines the end date given a week number and year.
  21. Determines the first date given a week number and year.
  22. Gets the first day of the year based on the given Calendar .
  23. Gets the last day of the year based on the given Calendar .
  24. Calculate whether current year is Leap year in persian or not
  25. generate Date At Start Of Year
  26. get Time For First Day Of Year
  27. get Year
  28. is Same Day Of Year
  29. is Same Week Of Year
  30. set Time As First Day Of Year
  31. Add the given amount of years to the given calendar.
  32. Calculate the total of elapsed time from years up to seconds between the two given calendars.
  33. Retrieve the amount of elapsed years between the two given calendars.
  34. Returns true if the two given calendars are dated on the same year.
  35. get Current Year Begin
  36. get Current Year End
  37. get Last Year Begin
  38. get Last Year End
  39. get Last Year
  40. get Now Year
  41. The year part of the Calendar date.
  42. get Year from Date
  43. get Finish Current Year
  44. is Julian Leap Year
  45. is Gregorian Leap Year
  46. calculate Age In Year
  47. get current year ,month ,day, according to your ask that you given request then return your needs times
  48. years Between
  49. This method calculate difference of years from a couple of Calendar Object.