Java java.util Collection Creation

Java examples for java.util:Collection Creation


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.util and Collection Creation.

  1. Create synchronized Map
  2. Create an unmodifiable Map
  3. Create singleton map
  4. Create a properly sized ConcurrentHashMap based on the given expected number of elements.
  5. Create new Array Blocking Queue
  6. Create new Array Deque
  7. Create new Concurrent Hash Map
  8. Create new Concurrent Linked Queue

  9. Create new Delay Queue
  10. Create new Enum Map
  11. Create new Hash Map
  12. Create new Hashtable
  13. Create new Identity Hash Map
  14. Create new Linked Blocking Deque
  15. Create new Linked Blocking Queue
  16. Create new Linked Hash Map

  17. Create new Priority Blocking Queue
  18. Create new Priority Queue
  19. Create new Synchronous Queue
  20. Create new Tree Map
  21. Create new Weak Hash Map
  22. Create a sequence of Int and return a Collection
  23. Create Collection of one element
  24. Create a textual representation of the given collection, separating the individual elements by the provided separator.
  25. Creates new collection that does not contain nulls.
  26. Creates new collection that contains only element whose string representation starts with prefix It is parameterized.
  27. Creates new collection that contains only element whose string representation starts with prefix It uses raw collection - not parameterized.
  28. Use HashSet to create a unique Collection based on the one passed in.
  29. Create and answer a collection that is the same type, or the closest equivalent of another collection.
  30. Transfer each element in a Collection to a new value via a function
  31. Return a new collection containing only the elements that satisfy predicate p.
  32. Apply a function f to all elements of collection as to produce a new collection bs by concatenating the results.
  33. Apply a function f to all elements of collection as to produce a new collection bs.
  34. Returns a new Collection consisting of the elements of the input collection transformed by the given transformer.