Return a function that transform the parameter P of the function into a callable. - Java java.util.concurrent

Java examples for java.util.concurrent:Callable


Return a function that transform the parameter P of the function into a callable.

Demo Code

import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

public class Main{
    /**/*from w w w  . jav  a 2 s  . co  m*/
     * Return a function that transform the parameter <code>P</code> of the
     * function into a callable.
     * The callable will invoke the <code>callback</code> with the parameter
     * <code>P</code> and then return the result <code>R</code>.
     * @param <P> type of the parameter of the callback
     * @param <R> type of the result of the <code>Callable</code>
     * @param callback callback called by the <code>Callable</code> built
     * @param result result of the <code>Callable</code> built
     * @return
     * @see #toCallable(C1, Object, Object)
    public static <P, R> F1<P, Callable<R>> toCallableTransformation(
            final C1<P> callback, final R result) {
        return new F1<P, Callable<R>>() {
            public Callable<R> op(P param) {
                return toCallable(callback, param, result);
     * Transform a callback into a Callable. <code>Callable#call()</code> delegates
     * to <code>callback.op(param)</code> and return <code>result</code> as result.
     * @param <P>
     * @param <R>
     * @param callback
     * @param param parameter that will be passed to the callback when the <code>Callable#call()</code>
     *    will be called.
     * @param result result that will be returned by <code>Callable#call()</code>
     * @return
    public static <P, R> Callable<R> toCallable(final C1<P> callback,
            final P param, final R result) {
        return toCallable(toFunction(callback, result), param);
     * Create a <code>Callable</code> whose method <code>call()</code> delegates
     * to <code>callback.op(param)</code>
     * @param <P>
     * @param <R>
     * @param function function that will be invoked by the <code>Callable</code>
     *  with the parameter <code>param</code>
     * @param param parameter that will be passed to the callback when the <code>Callable#call()</code>
     *    will be called.
     * @return
    public static <P, R> Callable<R> toCallable(final F1<P, R> function,
            final P param) {
        return new Callable<R>() {
            public R call() throws Exception {
                return function.op(param);
    public static <P, R> F1<P, R> toFunction(final C1<P> callback,
            final R result) {
        return new F1<P, R>() {
            public R op(P value) {
                return result;

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