Java java.lang String Unicode

Java examples for java.lang:String Unicode


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and String Unicode.

  1. Checks if the String contains only unicode letters. null will return false.
  2. Checks if the String contains only unicode letters or digits. null will return false.
  3. Checks if the String contains only unicode letters, digits or space (' '). null will return false.
  4. Checks if the String contains only unicode letters and space (' ').
  5. Checks if the String contains only unicode digits.
  6. Checks if the String contains only unicode digits or space (' ').
  7. Tell whether the given character is in the "high unicode" (four-byte) range.
  8. Tell whether the given character is in the "low unicode" (two-byte) range.

  9. Convert Unicode in format \u1234 to String
  10. removes all unicode characters that are outside the Basic multilingual plane (BMP)
  11. Converts a given String to a String, where non-ASCII chars a replaced by a Unicode Sequence.
  12. Find a Unicode in a given String and returns a List with the indices.
  13. read unicode string as character string
  14. encoding By ISO-8859-1
  15. get Special Char Length
  16. Is iso646 String

  17. get ISO646 Bytes from String
  18. Returns the ISO_8859_1 bytes of the given string.
  19. Converts a string to the string literal representation.
  20. Convert ascii string to native string
  21. Sanitizes a string so it can be used as an identifier
  22. change String Charset
  23. decode Unicode String
  24. Decodes a JTF16-encoded string
  25. Encodes a string in JTF16
  26. return true if any CJK characters appear in String s.
  27. If CJK characters constitute a ratio of MIN_RATIO or a count of MIN_CHAR, the string will be deemed to be CJK.
  28. Converts the specified character (Unicode code point) to its UTF-16 representation.
  29. Converts a sequence of unicode code points to a sequence of Java characters.
  30. Converts a sequence of Java characters to a sequence of unicode code points.
  31. escape Unicode
  32. unescape Unicode
  33. string Unicode
  34. unicode to String
  35. Unicode to ASCII
  36. Some of the Unicode apostrophe-like characters are not handled as expected
  37. is CJK Character
  38. get Encoded String
  39. Return an encoded String for url from value
  40. escape Unicode String
  41. Compares two strings in Unicode code point order.
  42. Gets the Unicode code point at the given index of the string.
  43. unicode String
  44. This method converts an ISO-8859-1 encoded string to a UTF-8 encoded string.
  45. This method converts a UTF8-encoded string to ISO-8859-1
  46. Convert a ISO 639-1 language code into its English equivalent name
  47. This method is called to convert strings from ISO-8859-1 (post/get parameters for example) into the default system locale.
  48. This method converts strings between various encodings.
  49. This method converts strings from a known encoding into a string encoded by the system default encoding.
  50. Parse text of string token to unicode characters.
  51. To Bytes Unicode 16
  52. Given a string containing entity escapes, returns a string containing the actual Unicode characters corresponding to the escapes.
  53. Indicates whether a character is classified as "Alphabetic" by the Unicode standard.
  54. Chinese To Unicode
  55. Encode the passed contents in the specified character set, re-writing any characters not representable in that character set as a Java unicode escape (\\uXXXX0).
  56. Decode input Unicode style String, return the original string with regex
  57. unicode To String via Regex
  58. Converts unicode text to strings with unicode characters.
  59. ISO-8859-1 encoding and binary data preservation