Java java.lang String Parse

Java examples for java.lang:String Parse


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and String Parse.

  1. parse Int Using Format
  2. safe Parse Double
  3. safe Parse Float
  4. safe Parse Int
  5. safe Parse Long
  6. parse Int and return default value if failed
  7. Is String a Number
  8. Turns a string into an int using a given radix.

  9. Turns a string into a Number and returns a default value if unsuccessful.
  10. Turns a string into an int and returns a default value if unsuccessful.
  11. Parse string to double, return defaultValue if parse fails
  12. Parse string to int, return defaultValue if parse fails
  13. Parse string to short, return defaultValue if parse fails
  14. Takes a String and converts it into a Long.
  15. Convert String As Enum Type
  16. Convert String to Alpha Number

  17. parses a String of the form name1='value1' name2='value2'.
  18. Parse Double value from String with default value
  19. Parse Float from String with default value
  20. Parse Integer from String with default value
  21. Parse Long from String with default value
  22. Parse Short from String with default value
  23. get Currency value from String
  24. string To Int
  25. get Boolean value from String
  26. Parse String to Byte value with default value
  27. Extracts an Integer 'argument' from a string with a space in between.
  28. This methods removes from string: \n \t ; |
  29. parse arguments nix-style.
  30. match ranges, lists, and specific number strings such as: "200-300" or "200,300,501-700" "*" matches any
  31. is String Start With Number
  32. Tell whether a float string is in valid format, according with a number of fraction digits.