Java java.lang Math Algorithm

Java examples for java.lang:Math Algorithm


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and Math Algorithm.

  1. Returns falling sequential product of n elements starts from x
  2. factorial recursive function
  3. greatest common divisor (gcd)
  4. get Sum Of Factors
  5. Pads the data to the next power of 2.
  6. This function returns the largest positive remainder of b and m.
  7. calculate Dispersion
  8. calculate Entropy

  9. Calculates peak signal-to-noise ratio
  10. Math log based 2
  11. Formats the frequency range as bizarrely reported by the EQ API into something readable.
  12. compute Entropy
  13. compute Information Gain
  14. points are clockwise
  15. Calculate Levenshtein Distance
  16. Calculate wind chill.

  17. find Shortest Path With Greedy Approach
  18. Performs Gauss-Jordan reduction on a matrix using field arithmetic.
  19. Computes and returns intervals a quadratic equation a*x^2+b*x+c=0 is positive.
  20. Solves a linear system with two unknowns: c1[0]*x+c1[1]*y+c1[2]=0 c2[0]*x+c2[1]*y+c2[2]=0
  21. Get the log( exp( logX ) - exp( logY ) ).
  22. Returns the negative and positive roots of a quadratic equation a*x^2+b*x+c=0 as a double array. Note that if a<0 then the negative root has the smallest x-value, and if a>0 then the positive root has the smallest x-value.
  23. Calculates the English BMI of the specified statistics.
  24. This function performs a polynomial interpolation using a set of given x and y values.
  25. A double value can be represented like d = x * 10exp and this method returns the value of exp for a double d.
  26. converts time (in milliseconds) to human-readable format " days, hours, minutes and (z) seconds"
  27. Aggregates all attributes from the given element, formats then into the proper key="value" XML format and returns them as one String
  28. Recursively finds and accumulates all element's text and element children into a String in raw XML form
  29. Simple method that calculate a tip base on the amount of the bill and a given tip percentage
  30. Returns true if the Double value difference is minor to 1e-12.
  31. Returns the addition of distance between all point int the array.
  32. Returns the calculation of the geographical distance between two points.
  33. Computes the normal mean.
  34. Computes the weighted mean.
  35. Computing the norm as the Euclidean norm.
  36. Computing the norm as the Euclidean norm squared (i.e.
  37. Computing the norm as the Max norm.
  38. calculate Deviation
  39. greatest Common Divisor
  40. histogram Algorithm
  41. Calculates factorial.
  42. is Fibonacci
  43. is Perfect Square
  44. get Fibonnaci
  45. sum N Fibonnaci
  46. average a double type array
  47. euclidean Distance
  48. standard deviation on double type array
  49. log10 Factorial
  50. Takes the factorial of a value.
  51. mutate Swap Values In Place
  52. mutate Swap Values
  53. output Square Matrix
  54. Gets the length of a collatz sequence chain
  55. Returns a 2-D array that represents a triangle from Project Euler questions
  56. Gets an array of primes up until a num using the sieve Of Atkin method
  57. log Gamma
  58. Gets the next twin prime that is near a power of 2 and greater than or equal to the given value
  59. Converts a given SparseIntHistogram to a double array containing all possible values.
  60. Allows histogram scoring from discrete input REU values
  61. Discretizes using even bin sizes
  62. Discretizes using a maximum entropy partitioning
  63. Performs a Hermite spline interpolation.
  64. Performs a Catmull-Rom interpolation using the specified positions.
  65. get larger Prime
  66. Calculate the factorial of n Pre: 0 <= n <= 12
  67. Recursive factorial method
  68. A fast implementation of fractional Brownian motion.