Java java.lang int
Java examples for java.lang:int
Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and int.
compare Int and return 1, 0, -1
get mid point between two int
Return a range of int as array
Ensure that the two values given are equal, if not fail the test
Generate range of integers
Returns the big-endian int value whose byte representation is the 4 bytes of bytes starting offset.
Format int To String
make Xor between two integer value
Return the two least significant bytes of a value.
get minimum int from three int value
Return the integer portion of a double as a double.
BigInteger percent
divide integer And Round Up
Multiply two integers, checking for overflow.
Return sign of an integer.
generates a random permutation of integers
Returns the bigger of the two Integers.
Returns the smaller of the two Integers.
closest Integer
get Absolute Minimum integer
Gets a value object as Integer
Returns the largest of all specified values.
factorial int
create Number Random
fizz Buzz
Gets the largest index smaller than.
let's implement the simple div method using subtraction.
quantity Of Factors