Java java.lang double

Java examples for java.lang:double


Click the following links for the tutorial for java.lang and double.

  1. calculate inverse document frequency between two double
  2. Computes the euclidean distance between 2 double value lists
  3. get Percentage from two double value
  4. Compute the mean of double array
  5. Round double to specified number of decimal places.
  6. count Decimal Places in double
  7. Provide (relatively) precise division on double, except when the situation occurs when the endless, accurate to 10 decimal point, after the figures are rounded.
  8. Provides precise decimals rounded handle for double values.

  9. add two double values
  10. divide two double values
  11. multiply two double values
  12. round two double values
  13. subtract two double values
  14. divide double value by scale
  15. absolute double value
  16. round double value by scale

  17. Provide accurate addition among two double values
  18. Provides accurate multiplication among double value.
  19. Provide accurate subtraction among double values.
  20. divide two double with scale
  21. multiply two double
  22. round double to scale
  23. subtract two double
  24. sum two double
  25. Comparable fit In Range
  26. Checks if a given double is close to being zero.
  27. Restricts a double x to an interval [min, max].
  28. Computing the norm as the Euclidean norm; if it becomes clear that norm will be larger than limit, then return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY immediately.
  29. Computing the norm as the Max norm; if it becomes clear that norm will be larger than limit, then return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY immediately.
  30. Round double value
  31. Rounds a double to a specified number of decimal places.
  32. round double in scale
  33. Rounds the given double value at the given precision and writes the rounded value into the given target
  34. Rounds the given double value at the given precision and writes the rounded value into the given target This method internally uses double precision computation and rounding, so the result may not be accurate (see formatDouble method for conditions).
  35. Rounds the given double value at the given precision and writes the rounded value into the given target This method internally uses the String representation of the source value, in order to avoid any double precision computation error.
  36. Returns true if the given double value will be rounded to zero
  37. Returns true if the given double is considered to be too close of a rounding value for the given scale.
  38. Returns true if the rounding is considered to use too many digits of the double for a fast rounding
  39. round double to Two Decimal
  40. Method that rounds a value to the n precision decimals
  41. Parses a string to produce a Double with a number of fraction digits.
  42. Checks if two doubles are approximately equal.
  43. is Invalid Double
  44. scale Float
  45. Calculate Percentage.
  46. Method to calculate and return the average power of the signal (average amplitude)
  47. default Double Compare
  48. double Compare
  49. Returns the exponent of the given double value
  50. Returns ten to the power of n for double
  51. Serializes the given double as a string.
  52. Parses the given string as a double.
  53. Method to get the hash code for double data type
  54. factor Of Power
  55. Returns true if two doubles are considered equal.
  56. Parse a String to its Double representation.
  57. double To Raw Long Bits
  58. Compares to double values and returns true if they should be treated as being equal.
  59. Determines if two double values are equivalents according to the precision.
  60. Determines if the given double value is zero (according to the precision) or not
  61. This method retrieves a Double value from the resultset at the given column.
  62. is double value Between
  63. Returns true if and only if the given value is between value1 and value2.
  64. Checks the the given doubles if they are equals - which means they are closer than a predefined epsilon value, because comparing two doubles directly is a bad practice.
  65. hash Code double Eps
  66. is double Zero
  67. Test if two numbers are equal.
  68. Test if two numbers are equal within an absolute or relative tolerance whichever is larger.
  69. is Double by regex
  70. Returns true if the first double is considered greater than the second double.
  71. double greater Than Or Equals
  72. Returns true if the first double is considered less than the second double.
  73. double less Than Or Equals
  74. Returns the average power per sample.
  75. Check if two doubles are equal to within specified tolerance.
  76. Determines whether x falls within the closed interval [minimum, maximum] .
  77. Determines whether x falls within the interval [minimum, maximum) .
  78. Is x >= y to within the given tolerance?