Java Collection Framework Map

Java examples for Collection Framework:Map


Click the following links for the tutorial for Collection Framework and Map.

  1. Get value from Map and fill into another class
  2. Java Find the word frequency with Map
  3. Creating a Type-Specific Map [5.0]
  4. Associating a Value with an Object with Map
  5. Create synchronized Map
  6. Create unmodifiable Map from Map
  7. Reverses a map (switches key and value types).
  8. merge Maps

  9. Copies entries from one map to another and deletes those entries in the target map for which the value in the source map is null.
  10. Returns a new map with all entries of the input map except those which have a value of null.
  11. convert Map<String, Object> To String
  12. sort Map By Comparator
  13. Gets a Map having a null value for each of the keys provided in keySet .
  14. Gets a Map containing all of the entries from the maps provided.
  15. Map deep Equals
  16. deep Hash Code for Map

  17. search Map
  18. search Map Ignore Case
  19. set Map Keys To Comma String
  20. sort By Key in Map
  21. combine to map values.
  22. Converts a list of objects [a, 1, b, 2] into a map {a -> 1; b -> 2}
  23. Sorts a map based on value, returns sorted map with predictable iteration Initial
  24. convert Dictionary To Map
  25. sort By Value in Map Ascending
  26. sort By Value in Map Descending
  27. create Concurrent Hash Map
  28. Create map from keys and values lists.
  29. Converts java.util.Map into java.util.Properties
  30. Null-safe merge of two maps.
  31. Converts a map into a List of IKeyValuePair objects.
  32. Converts a list of key-value pairs into a Map , with either the first duplicate key always being inserted, or the last duplicate key always being inserted.