Given a single point, p, and a line segment, which point along the line segment is nearest to p. - Java 2D Graphics

Java examples for 2D Graphics:Line


Given a single point, p, and a line segment, which point along the line segment is nearest to p.

Demo Code

public class Main{
    public static final double FULL_CIRCLE = Math.PI * 2;
    /**//from   w  ww .j  a va  2s.c o m
     * Given a single point, p,  and a line segment, which point along the line segment is nearest to p.
     * This problem can also be described as what is the intersection of the line which includes p and
     * is perpendicular to the line segment.  There are two edge cases when the perpendicular line 
     * intersects not with the line segment but with the line containing that line segment.  Then
     * we just take the end of the line segment nearest that intersection point.
     * @param px The x coord of the point
     * @param py The y coord of the point
     * @param lx1 The first x coord of the line segment
     * @param ly1 The first y coord of the line segment
     * @param lx2 The second x coord of the line segment
     * @param ly2 The second y coord of the line segment
     * @return The point along the line segment closest to the point p
    public static double[] findNearestPointAlongSegment(double px,
            double py, double lx1, double ly1, double lx2, double ly2) {
        double lineRotation = getLineRotation(lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2);
        double perpRotation = normaliseRadians(lineRotation + Math.PI / 2);
        double[] xp = getExtensionPoint(perpRotation, px, py, 10);
        double[] intersection = findIntersectionOfTwoLines(px, py, xp[0],
                xp[1], lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2);
        if (nullIfBehind(intersection, lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2) == null) {
            return new double[] { lx1, ly1 };
        } else if (nullIfBehind(intersection, lx2, ly2, lx1, ly1) == null) {
            return new double[] { lx2, ly2 };
        } else {
            return intersection;
     * Given a line segment the rotation (from a pointing straight up position) in radians of that line.
     * @param x1 The first x coordinate
     * @param y1 The first y coordinate
     * @param x2 The second x coordinate
     * @param y2 The second y coordinate
     * @return The rotation in radians of the line described by the line segment provided
    public static double getLineRotation(double x1, double y1, double x2,
            double y2) {
        double dx = x2 - x1;
        double dy = y1 - y2;
        double length = Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
        double xRatio = dx / length;
        double r1 = Math.asin(Math.abs(xRatio));
        if (dx > 0) {
            double r2 = Math.PI / 2 + (Math.PI / 2 - r1);
            if (y1 > y2) { // Pointing up a bit
                return r1;
            } else {
                return r2;
        } else {
            double r2 = Math.PI * 1.5 + (Math.PI / 2 - r1);
            r1 = Math.PI + r1;
            if (y1 < y2) { // Pointing down a bit
                return r1;
            } else {
                return r2;
    public static double normaliseRadians(double radians) {
        while (radians > FULL_CIRCLE) {
            radians -= FULL_CIRCLE;
        while (radians < -FULL_CIRCLE) {
            radians += FULL_CIRCLE;
        if (radians < 0) {
            radians = Math.PI * 2 + radians;

        return radians;
     * Determines the x,y coordinates at the other end of the extension defined by the parameters.
     * @param rotation The rotation from a pointing straight up position, gives the direction of the ray
     * @param x Starting x position
     * @param y Starting y position
     * @param length The length of the extension
     * @return The final terminating point of this extension
    public static double[] getExtensionPoint(double rotation, double x,
            double y, double length) {
        double extX = getXComponent(rotation, length);
        double extY = getYComponent(rotation, length);
        return new double[] { x + extX, y + extY };
     * Determines the x,y coordinates at the other end of the extension defined by the parameters.
     * @param x1 First x coord
     * @param y1 First y coord
     * @param x2 Second x coord
     * @param y2 Second y coord
     * @param length The length of the extension from the point (x1,y1)
     * @return The final terminating point of this extension
    public static double[] getExtensionPoint(double x1, double y1,
            double x2, double y2, double length) {
        double rotation = getLineRotation(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        return getExtensionPoint(rotation, x1, y1, length);
    public static double[] findIntersectionOfTwoLines(double l1x1,
            double l1y1, double l1x2, double l1y2, double l2x1,
            double l2y1, double l2x2, double l2y2) {
        // Cheating check to make sure the lines do not connect up end to end
        // This is required because such delicate intersections can be fucked by cumulative floating point error
        if (l1x1 == l2x1 && l1y1 == l2y1) {
            return new double[] { l1x1, l1y1 };
        if (l1x1 == l2x2 && l1y1 == l2y2) {
            return new double[] { l1x1, l1y1 };
        if (l1x2 == l2x1 && l1y2 == l2y1) {
            return new double[] { l1x2, l1y2 };
        if (l1x2 == l2x2 && l1y2 == l2y2) {
            return new double[] { l1x2, l1y2 };
        if (l1x1 == l1x2 && l1y1 > l1y2) {// The first line is pointing up
            if (l2x1 == l2x2) { // The second line is vertical
                return new double[] { l1x1, Math.max(l2y1, l2y2) };
            } else {
                double intersectY = solveForY(l2x1, l2y1, l2x2, l2y2, l1x1);
                return new double[] { l1x1, intersectY };
        if (l1x1 == l1x2 && l1y1 < l1y2) { // The first line is pointing straight down
            if (l2x1 == l2x2) { // The second line is vertical
                return new double[] { l1x1, Math.min(l2y1, l2y2) };
            } else {
                double intersectY = solveForY(l2x1, l2y1, l2x2, l2y2, l1x1);
                return new double[] { l1x1, intersectY };
        if (l2x1 == l2x2) { // The second line is vertical
            double yIntersect = solveForY(l1x1, l1y1, l1x2, l1y2, l2x1);
            return new double[] { l2x1, yIntersect };
        // Here we solve the simultaneous equation to get the intersection
        double[] firstLine = TrigUtil.getLineEquation(l1x1, l1y1, l1x2,
        double[] secondLine = TrigUtil.getLineEquation(l2x1, l2y1, l2x2,
        double coefficient1 = firstLine[0];
        double shift1 = firstLine[1];
        double coefficient2 = secondLine[0];
        double shift2 = secondLine[1];
        double xIntersect = (shift1 - shift2)
                / (coefficient2 - coefficient1);
        double yIntersect = solveForY(l2x1, l2y1, l2x2, l2y2, xIntersect);

        return new double[] { xIntersect, yIntersect };
     * Tests whether point, (x,y), lies backward of the ray which starts at (rX1,rY1) and passes through (rX2,rY2).
     * This does not test that the point lies along the ray, but simply that if the x component is increasing along
     * the ray then x must be greater than rX1, otherwise it must be smaller.  The same check is done for y.
     * @param point The point for bounds testing
     * @param bX1 The first x coord
     * @param bY1 The first y coord
     * @param bX2 The second x coord
     * @param bY2 The second y coord
     * @return point if point lies within the boundaries, null otherwise
    private static double[] nullIfBehind(double[] point, double rX1,
            double rY1, double rX2, double rY2) {
        if (point == null) {
            return null;
        } else if (!(rX1 >= rX2 && point[0] <= rX1)
                && !(rX1 <= rX2 && point[0] >= rX1)) {
            return null;
        } else if (!(rY1 >= rY2 && point[1] <= rY1)
                && !(rY1 <= rY2 && point[1] >= rY1)) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return point;
     * Returns the length travelled, in the x direction, of the ray given a rotation from the
     * straight-up position and diagonal length provided.
     * @param rotation The rotated orientation of the line from the straight up position
     * @param length The length travelled diagonally
     * @return The horizontal distance travelled by the ray defined
    public static double getXComponent(double rotation, double length) {
        if (rotation == 0 || rotation == Math.PI) {
            return 0;
        return (length * Math.sin(rotation));
     * Returns the length travelled, in the y direction, of the ray given a rotation from the
     * straight-up position and diagonal length provided.
     * @param rotation The rotated orientation of the line from the straight up position
     * @param length The length travelled diagonally
     * @return The vertical distance travelled by the ray defined
    public static double getYComponent(double rotation, double length) {
        if (rotation == Math.PI / 2 || rotation == Math.PI * 1.5) {
            return 0;
        // Because the coordinates are upside down we return the negative
        return -(length * Math.cos(rotation));
     * Solves the equation of the line described by the point (x1,y1) and rotation for Y given
     * the value of x provided.
     * If the ray is not solvable for x, the Double.NaN is returned.  Since we are solving
     * for a ray and not a line there are some values of x which do not yield an y value.
     * @param rotation the rotation, in radians, clockwise from the pointing up position
     * @param x1 First x coordinate
     * @param y1 First y coordinate
     * @param x The value of x
     * @return The value of y for this line, given x or Double.Nan if there is no solution
    public static double solveForY(double rotation, double x1, double y1,
            double x) {
        if (isBetween(rotation, 0, Math.PI) && x < x1) { // Facing right
            return Double.NaN;
        } else if (isBetween(rotation, Math.PI, Math.PI * 2) && x > x1) { // Facing left
            return Double.NaN;
        double[] line = getLineEquation(rotation, x1, y1);
        double coefficient = line[0];
        double shift = line[1];
        return (coefficient * x) + shift;
     * Solves the equation of the line described by the pair of points {(x1,y1),(x2,y2)} for Y given
     * the value of x provided.
     * @param x1 First x coordinate
     * @param y1 First y coordinate
     * @param x2 Second x coordinate
     * @param y2 Second y coordinate
     * @param x The value of x
     * @return The value of y for this line, given x
    public static double solveForY(double x1, double y1, double x2,
            double y2, double x) {
        double[] line = getLineEquation(x1, y1, x2, y2);
        double coefficient = line[0];
        double shift = line[1];
        return (coefficient * x) + shift;
     * Given two points {(x1,y1),(x2,y2)} returns {m,b} from the equation y = mx + b for a line
     * which passes through both points.
     * @param x1 First x coordinate
     * @param y1 First y coordinate
     * @param x2 Second x coordinate
     * @param y2 Second y coordinate
     * @return The slope and y intercept of the line passing through the points provided
    public static double[] getLineEquation(double x1, double y1, double x2,
            double y2) {
        double coefficient = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
        double shift = -(coefficient * x1) + y1;
        return new double[] { coefficient, shift };
     * Given a rotation (in radians) and a single point (x,y) returns {m,b} from the equation y = mx + b
     * for a line which passes through (x,y) and is oriented by rotation many radians clockwise from the
     * pointing straight up position.
     * @param rotation The rotated orientation of the line from the straight up position
     * @param x The x coordinate
     * @param y The y coordinate
     * @return The slope and y intercept of the line passing through the point provided with the provided rotation
    public static double[] getLineEquation(double rotation, double x,
            double y) {
        double coefficient = -(Math.cos(rotation) / Math.sin(rotation));
        double shift = -(coefficient * x) + y;
        return new double[] { coefficient, shift };
     * Indicates if the value x is between x1 and x2.
     * If x is NaN then I am currently assuming that it will never lie between any
     * two double values.  Surprisingly couldn't easily find a reference to how
     * weird double comparisons behave in Java :)
     * @param x The value for testing
     * @param x1 First boundary value
     * @param x2 Second boundary value
     * @return true if the x is between x1 and x2, false otherwise
    public static boolean isBetween(double x, double x1, double x2) {
        if (x <= x1 && x >= x2) {
            return true;
        if (x <= x2 && x >= x1) {
            return true;
        return false;

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