Java XML Parse InputSource parse(InputSource input, boolean validate, boolean namespaceAware, ErrorHandler errorHandler, EntityResolver entityResolver)

Here you can find the source of parse(InputSource input, boolean validate, boolean namespaceAware, ErrorHandler errorHandler, EntityResolver entityResolver)


Parses an XML document into a DOM tree.


Open Source License


Parameter Description
input a parser input (for URL users use: <code>new InputSource(url.toString())</code>
validate if true validating parser is used
namespaceAware if true DOM is created by namespace aware parser
errorHandler a error handler to notify about exception (such as #defaultErrorHandler ) or <code>null</code>
entityResolver SAX entity resolver (such as EntityCatalog#getDefault) or <code>null</code>


Parameter Description
IOException if an I/O problem during parsing occurs
SAXException is thrown if a parser error occurs
FactoryConfigurationError Application developers should never need to directly catch errors of this type.


document representing given input


public static Document parse(InputSource input, boolean validate, boolean namespaceAware,
        ErrorHandler errorHandler, EntityResolver entityResolver) throws IOException, SAXException 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
/*//from  w  w  w.j a  va2  s  .  c o m
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import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;

import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

public class Main {
    private static DocumentBuilderFactory[][] doms = new DocumentBuilderFactory[2][2];

     * Parses an XML document into a DOM tree.
     * <div class="nonnormative">
     * <p>Remember that when parsing XML files you often want to set an explicit
     * entity resolver. For example, consider a file such as this:</p>
     * <pre>
     * &lt;?<font class="keyword">xml</font> <font class="variable-name">version</font>=<font class="string">"1.0"</font> <font class="variable-name">encoding</font>=<font class="string">"UTF-8"</font>?&gt;
     * &lt;!<font class="keyword">DOCTYPE</font> <font class="type">root</font> <font class="keyword">PUBLIC</font> <font class="string">"-//NetBeans//DTD Foo 1.0//EN"</font> <font class="string">""</font>&gt;
     * &lt;<font class="function-name">root</font>/&gt;
     * </pre>
     * <p>If you parse this with a null entity resolver, or you use the
     * default resolver (EntityCatalog.getDefault) but do not do
     * anything special with this DTD, you will probably find the parse
     * blocking to make a network connection <em>even when you are not
     * validating</em>. That is because DTDs can be used to define
     * entities and other XML oddities, and are not a pure constraint
     * language like Schema or RELAX-NG.</p>
     * <p>There are three basic ways to avoid the network connection.</p>
     * <ol>
     * <li><p>Register the DTD. This is generally the best thing to do. See
     * EntityCatalog's documentation for details, but for example
     * in your layer use:</p>
     * <pre>
     * &lt;<font class="function-name">filesystem</font>&gt;
     *   &lt;<font class="function-name">folder</font> <font class="variable-name">name</font>=<font class="string">"xml"</font>&gt;
     *     &lt;<font class="function-name">folder</font> <font class="variable-name">name</font>=<font class="string">"entities"</font>&gt;
     *       &lt;<font class="function-name">folder</font> <font class="variable-name">name</font>=<font class="string">"NetBeans"</font>&gt;
     *         &lt;<font class="function-name">file</font> <font class="variable-name">name</font>=<font class="string">"DTD_Foo_1_0"</font>
     *               <font class="variable-name">url</font>=<font class="string">"resources/foo-1_0.dtd"</font>&gt;
     *           &lt;<font class="function-name">attr</font> <font class="variable-name">name</font>=<font class="string">"hint.originalPublicID"</font>
     *                 <font class="variable-name">stringvalue</font>=<font class="string">"-//NetBeans//DTD Foo 1.0//EN"</font>/&gt;
     *         &lt;/<font class="function-name">file</font>&gt;
     *       &lt;/<font class="function-name">folder</font>&gt;
     *     &lt;/<font class="function-name">folder</font>&gt;
     *   &lt;/<font class="function-name">folder</font>&gt;
     * &lt;/<font class="function-name">filesystem</font>&gt;
     * </pre>
     * <p>Now the default system entity catalog will resolve the public ID
     * to the local copy in your module, not the network copy.
     * Additionally, anyone who mounts the "NetBeans Catalog" in the XML
     * Entity Catalogs node in the Runtime tab will be able to use your
     * local copy of the DTD automatically, for validation, code
     * completion, etc. (The network URL should really exist, though, for
     * the benefit of other tools!)</p></li>
     * <li><p>You can also set an explicit entity resolver which maps that
     * particular public ID to some local copy of the DTD, if you do not
     * want to register it globally in the system for some reason. If
     * handed other public IDs, just return null to indicate that the
     * system ID should be loaded.</p></li>
     * <li><p>In some cases where XML parsing is very
     * performance-sensitive, and you know that you do not need validation
     * and furthermore that the DTD defines no infoset (there are no
     * entity or character definitions, etc.), you can speed up the parse.
     * Turn off validation, but also supply a custom entity resolver that
     * does not even bother to load the DTD at all:</p>
     * <pre>
     * <font class="keyword">public</font> <font class="type">InputSource</font> <font class="function-name">resolveEntity</font>(<font class="type">String</font> <font class="variable-name">pubid</font>, <font class="type">String</font> <font class="variable-name">sysid</font>)
     *     <font class="keyword">throws</font> <font class="type">SAXException</font>, <font class="type">IOException</font> {
     *   <font class="keyword">if</font> (pubid.equals(<font class="string">"-//NetBeans//DTD Foo 1.0//EN"</font>)) {
     *     <font class="keyword">return</font> <font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">InputSource</font>(<font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">ByteArrayInputStream</font>(<font class="keyword">new</font> <font class="type">byte</font>[0]));
     *   } <font class="keyword">else</font> {
     *     <font class="keyword">return</font> EntityCatalog.getDefault().resolveEntity(pubid, sysid);
     *   }
     * }
     * </pre></li>
     * </ol>
     * </div>
     * @param input a parser input (for URL users use: <code>new InputSource(url.toString())</code>
     * @param validate if true validating parser is used
     * @param namespaceAware if true DOM is created by namespace aware parser
     * @param errorHandler a error handler to notify about exception (such as {@link #defaultErrorHandler}) or <code>null</code>
     * @param entityResolver SAX entity resolver (such as EntityCatalog#getDefault) or <code>null</code>
     * @throws IOException if an I/O problem during parsing occurs
     * @throws SAXException is thrown if a parser error occurs
     * @throws FactoryConfigurationError Application developers should never need to directly catch errors of this type.
     * @return document representing given input
    public static Document parse(InputSource input, boolean validate, boolean namespaceAware,
            ErrorHandler errorHandler, EntityResolver entityResolver) throws IOException, SAXException {

        DocumentBuilder builder = null;
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = getFactory(validate, namespaceAware);

        try {
            builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException ex) {
            throw new SAXException("Cannot create parser satisfying configuration parameters", ex); //NOI18N

        if (errorHandler != null) {

        if (entityResolver != null) {

        return builder.parse(input);

    private static synchronized DocumentBuilderFactory getFactory(boolean validate, boolean namespaceAware) {
        DocumentBuilderFactory factory = doms[validate ? 0 : 1][namespaceAware ? 0 : 1];
        if (factory == null) {
            factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            doms[validate ? 0 : 1][namespaceAware ? 0 : 1] = factory;
        return factory;


  1. parse(final InputSource is, final Class loader)
  2. parse(InputSource in)
  3. parse(InputSource source)
  4. parseXML(InputSource is)