Java Utililty Methods Vector Intersect

List of utility methods to do Vector Intersect


The list of methods to do Vector Intersect are organized into topic(s).


Vectorintersection(Vector a, Vector b)
Vector r = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < b.size(); j++) {
        if (a.elementAt(i).equals(b.elementAt(j)))
return r;
Vectorintersection(Vector vectA, Vector vectB)

This method returns a Vector containing the intersection of the objects contained in vectA and vectB.

This method will always return a new, non-null Vector, even if vectA and/or vectB are null.

Hashtable workSetA = new Hashtable(), workSetB = new Hashtable(), resultSet = new Hashtable();
Vector result = new Vector();
Enumeration Enum;
Object item;
if (vectA != null) {
    Enum = vectA.elements();
    while (Enum.hasMoreElements()) {
        item = Enum.nextElement();