List of utility methods to do URI to Relative URI
URI | getRelativeURI(URI uri, URI relativeTo) get the URI relative to the specified base URI relUri = relativeTo.relativize(uri);
return relUri;
URL | relativeConfig(URI uri) relative Config String pwd = System.getProperty("user.dir"); String path = pwd + "/" + uri; URL result = new URL("file:///" + path); return result; |
URI | relativeFileToURI(File file) Returns a URI for the given file. if (file.isAbsolute()) return file.toURI(); else { String path = file.getPath(); if (File.separatorChar != '/') path = path.replace(File.separatorChar, '/'); return URI.create(path); |
String | relativePath(final URI baseURI, final URI pathURI) Path relative to base. return baseURI.relativize(pathURI).getPath();
URI | relativeURI(String basePath, String path) Return the relative URI of the given path with respect to the given base path. return new File(basePath).toURI().relativize(new File(path).toURI()); |
URI | relativize(URI base, URI child) relativize base = base.normalize(); child = child.normalize(); String[] bParts = base.getPath().split("/"); String[] cParts = child.getPath().split("/"); if (bParts.length > 0 && !base.getPath().endsWith("/")) { System.arraycopy(bParts, 0, bParts, 0, bParts.length - 1); int i = 0; ... |
URI | relativize(URI base, URI child) relativize base = base.normalize(); child = child.normalize(); String[] bParts = base.getPath().split("\\/"); String[] cParts = child.getPath().split("\\/"); int i = 0; while (i < bParts.length && i < cParts.length && bParts[i].equals(cParts[i])) { i++; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < (bParts.length - i); j++) { sb.append("../"); for (int j = i; j < cParts.length; j++) { if (j != i) { sb.append("/"); sb.append(cParts[j]); return URI.create(uriEncode(sb.toString())); |
URI | relativize(URI base, URI target) Enhanced version of URI.relativize, the target can now be in parent folder of base URI. if (!base.getScheme().equals(target.getScheme())) { return target; StringBuilder rel = new StringBuilder(); String path = base.getPath(); String separator = "/"; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(target.getPath(), separator); String targetPart = ""; ... |
String | relativize(URI basePath, File path) Create path relative to base path return (basePath != null) ? basePath.relativize(path.toURI()).getPath() : path.getPath();
String | relativize(URI baseUri, File f) relativize String path = f.getPath(); if (f.isAbsolute()) { path = baseUri.relativize(new File(path).toURI()).getPath(); return path; |