List of utility methods to do Time Format
String | formatTimeSec(long time) Generates string representation of given time specified as long. StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer(); if (time < 60) { str.append(time + " sec"); return str.toString(); int days = (int) time / 86400; if (days != 0) { str.append(days + " days"); ... |
String | formatTimespan(int timespan) format Timespan String result = ""; int years = timespan / 31536000; if (years > 0) { timespan -= years * 31536000; result += String.format(" %dy", years); int months = timespan / 2592000; if (months > 0) { ... |
String | formatTimeSpanForScheduler(long time) Format a timespan given in ms as human readable output (using weeks as the maximum time unit and seconds as the smallest) if (time < 0) return "-"; StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(10); long s = time / 1000; long min = 0; long hr = 0; long d = 0; long w = 0; ... |
String | formatTimestamp(String timestamp) format Timestamp if (timestamp == null || "".equals(timestamp)) { return ""; String tempTimeStamp = timestamp + "00000000000000"; StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(tempTimeStamp); return tempTimeStamp = stringBuffer.substring(0, 13); |
String | formatTimestampEnd(String timestamp) Formats a string timestamp to be used as the end bound filter string in HBase scan. if (timestamp == null || timestamp == "") return timestamp; timestamp = String.format("%013d", Long.parseLong(timestamp) + 1); return timestamp; |
String | formatTimestampForFilename(final long timestamp) format Timestamp For Filename return String.format("%1$tF_%1$tH-%1$tM-%1$tS", timestamp); |
String | formatTimestampForLogging(final long rawNanosTimestamp) format Timestamp For Logging final long nanosPart = rawNanosTimestamp % 1000; final long totalMicros = rawNanosTimestamp / 1000; final long microsPart = totalMicros % 1000; final long totalMillis = totalMicros / 1000; final long millisPart = totalMillis % 1000; final long totalSeconds = totalMillis / 1000; final long secondsPart = totalSeconds % 60; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2); ... |
String | formatTimestampStart(String timestamp) Formats timestamp value to be 13 digits long if (timestamp != null && timestamp != "") timestamp = String.format("%013d", Long.parseLong(timestamp)); return timestamp; |
String | formatTimeStep(Integer numberOfTimestepsPerYear, int stepNumber) format Time Step return String.format("%.3f", (double) stepNumber / numberOfTimestepsPerYear); |
String | formatTimeString(long millisecond) Milliseconds -> hh:mm:ss millisecond = millisecond < 0 ? -millisecond : millisecond; int seconds = (int) (millisecond / 1000); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(""); int ss = seconds % 60; int mm = seconds / 60 % 60; int hh = seconds / 3600; if (hh == 0) result.append("00"); ... |