Java Swing Focus containerContainsFocus(Container cont)

Here you can find the source of containerContainsFocus(Container cont)


containerContainsFocus, does the specified container contain the current focusOwner?


Open Source License


Parameter Description
cont the specified container


Is the current focusOwner a descendant of the specified container, or the container itself?


public static boolean containerContainsFocus(Container cont) 

Method Source Code

//package com.java2s;
import javax.swing.*;

import java.awt.*;

public class Main {
    /**/* ww  w.  ja  va 2s . c o m*/
     * containerContainsFocus, does the specified container contain the current focusOwner?
     * @param cont the specified container
     * @return Is the current focusOwner a descendant of the specified container, or the container itself?

    public static boolean containerContainsFocus(Container cont) {
        Component focusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager
        Component permFocusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager
        boolean focusOwned;
        focusOwned = ((focusOwner != null) && SwingUtilities
                .isDescendingFrom(focusOwner, cont));
        if (!focusOwned) {
            focusOwned = ((permFocusOwner != null) && SwingUtilities
                    .isDescendingFrom(permFocusOwner, cont));
        return focusOwned;


  1. centreInFocusedWindow(Window window, int xOffset, int yOffset)
  2. checkComponentsFocusable(final Component _rootComponent)
  3. clearAWTFocus(Robot robot)
  4. compositeRequestFocus(Component component)
  5. containerContainsFocus(Container cont)
  6. createWizardFocusAdapter()
  7. focusComponent(Component comp)
  8. focusComponentOrChild(Component c)
  9. focusComponentOrChild(Component c, boolean deepest)