Java Utililty Methods String Substitute

List of utility methods to do String Substitute


The list of methods to do String Substitute are organized into topic(s).


StringstringSubstitution(String argStr, Hashtable vars)
string Substitution
StringBuffer argBuf = new StringBuffer();
for (int cIdx = 0; cIdx < argStr.length();) {
    char ch = argStr.charAt(cIdx);
    switch (ch) {
    case '$':
        StringBuffer nameBuf = new StringBuffer();
        for (++cIdx; cIdx < argStr.length(); ++cIdx) {
            ch = argStr.charAt(cIdx);
Stringsubstitute(String original, String match, String subst)
Find all occurences of the "match" in original, and substitute the "subst" string.
String s = original;
int pos;
while (0 <= (pos = s.indexOf(match))) {
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(s);
    s = sb.replace(pos, pos + match.length(), subst).toString();
return s;
Stringsubstitute(String str, Hashtable vars, String delimiter)
Searches the line for any variables which should be substituted with values from the hashtable.
String key = null;
for (Enumeration keys = vars.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements();) {
    key = (String) keys.nextElement();
    if ((key != null) && (key.indexOf(delimiter) == -1)) {
        str = replaceVar(str, delimiter + key + delimiter, (String) vars.get(key));
return str;
StringsubstituteProperty(String value, Properties coreProperties)
substitute Property
if (value == null || value.indexOf('$') == -1) {
    return value;
List<String> fragments = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> propertyRefs = new ArrayList<String>();
parsePropertyString(value, fragments, propertyRefs);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Iterator<String> i = fragments.iterator();