Java Utililty Methods String Singularize

List of utility methods to do String Singularize


The list of methods to do String Singularize are organized into topic(s).


Stringsingular(String plural)
if (plural.equalsIgnoreCase("people")) {
    return plural.charAt(0) + "erson";
} else if (plural.equalsIgnoreCase("alumni")) {
    return plural.charAt(0) + "lumnus";
} else if (plural.endsWith("ies")) {
    return plural.substring(0, plural.length() - 3) + 'y';
} else if ('s' == plural.charAt(plural.length() - 1)) {
    return plural.substring(0, plural.length() - 1);
Stringsingularise(String name)
String result = name;
if (seemsPluralised(name)) {
    String lower = name.toLowerCase();
    if (lower.endsWith("ies")) {
        result = name.substring(0, name.length() - 3) + "y";
    } else if (lower.endsWith("ches") || lower.endsWith("ses")) {
        result = name.substring(0, name.length() - 2);
    } else if (lower.endsWith("s")) {
Stringsingularize(final String buffer)
String singular = null;
if (buffer == null) {
    return singular;
final int length = buffer.length();
if (buffer.endsWith("ies")) {
    singular = buffer.substring(0, length - 3);
} else if (buffer.endsWith("es")) {
Stringsingularize(String value)
return value.substring(0, value.length() - 1);
StringsingularOrPlural(int testValue, String singular, String plural)
Returns the singular or plural string based on the test value
if (testValue == 1)
    return (singular);
return (plural);
StringsingularPlural(int n, String singular, String plural)
singular Plural
if (n < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("n = " + n + " < 0");
return n + " " + (n <= 1 ? singular : plural);
StringSingularToPlural(String noun)
Singular To Plural
String[] ExceptionWords_DirectAddS = { "canto", "solo", "piano", "lasso", "halo", "memento", "albino",
        "sirocco", "chief", "fife", "mischief", "hoof", "roof", "grief", "kerchief", "safe" };
String[] ExceptionWords_IrregularInput = { "man", "foot", "mouse", "woman", "tooth", "louse", "child", "ox",
        "goose" };
String[] ExceptionWords_IrregularOutput = { "men", "feet", "mice", "women", "teeth", "lice", "children",
        "oxen", "geese" };
String[] ExceptionWords_NoPlural = { "gold", "silver", "wheat", "corn", "molasses", "copper", "sugar",
        "cotton", "USA" };