Here you can find the source of equalsIgnoreCase(String s1, String s2)
public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String s1, String s2)
//package com.java2s; /*/*from ww w. j ava2 m*/ * (c) Copyright 2007-2012 by Volker Bergmann. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, is permitted under the terms of the * GNU General Public License. * * For redistributing this software or a derivative work under a license other * than the GPL-compatible Free Software License as defined by the Free * Software Foundation or approved by OSI, you must first obtain a commercial * license to this software product from Volker Bergmann. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, * REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE * HEREBY EXCLUDED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ import java.util.*; public class Main { public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String s1, String s2) { return (s1 != null ? s1.equalsIgnoreCase(s2) : s2 == null); } public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String[] a1, String[] a2) { if (a1.length != a2.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < a1.length; i++) if (!equalsIgnoreCase(a1[i], a2[i])) return false; return true; } public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(Set<String> set1, Set<String> set2) { if (set1.size() != set2.size()) return false; for (String s1 : set1) { boolean found = false; for (String s2 : set2) if (equalsIgnoreCase(s1, s2)) found = true; if (!found) return false; } return true; } }