Java Utililty Methods String Divide

List of utility methods to do String Divide


The list of methods to do String Divide are organized into topic(s).


Stringdiv(String content, String extra)
return tag(TAG_DIV, extra, content);
Stringdiv(String second, String first)
try {
    return String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(first) / Integer.parseInt(second));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    try {
        return String.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(first) / Double.parseDouble(second));
    } catch (NumberFormatException e2) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(first + " / " + second);
Stringdiv(String text)
Creates a div element.
return "<div>" + text + "</div>";
String[]divide(final String s)
When using commands you seperate the command from the arguments with a space.
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
    if (s.charAt(i) == ' ') {
        final String[] res = { s.substring(0, i).trim().toLowerCase(),
                s.substring(i, s.length()).trim().toLowerCase() };
        return res;
final String[] res = { s.trim().toLowerCase(), "" };
Objectdivide(Object o1, Object o2, String type)
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("double") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("float")) {
    return add((Double) o1, (Double) o2);
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("int") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("integer")
        || type.equalsIgnoreCase("long")) {
    return add((Long) o1, (Long) o2);
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("string")) {
    return "";
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) {
String[]divide(String m)
int ii = 0;
char[] operations = new char[m.length()];
String[] nums = new String[100];
boolean mm = false;
boolean mn = false;
for (int i = 0; i < m.length(); i++) {
    operations[i] = m.charAt(i);
    if (operations[i] == '+' & mm == true) {
String[]divide(String str, char c)
return null;
Doubledivide(String ts, String ms)
if ("0".equals(ms)) {
    return 0D;
} else {
    return Double.parseDouble(ts) / Double.parseDouble(ms);
Stringdivide(String type)
try {
    String[] operands = type.split("/");
    double operand1 = Double.parseDouble(operands[0]);
    double operand2 = Double.parseDouble(operands[1]);
    double ans = operand1 / operand2;
    return Double.toString(ans);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    return type;
String[]divideFullName(final String fullName)
divide Full Name
if (fullName == null || fullName.equals(".") || fullName.length() < 1) {
    return null;
int index = fullName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (index == -1) {
    return new String[] { "", fullName };
if (index == 0 && fullName.length() > 1) {