Java Utililty Methods String Code Point

List of utility methods to do String Code Point


The list of methods to do String Code Point are organized into topic(s).


inttoCodePoint(char high, char low)
to Code Point
return (high - HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE) * 0x400 + (low - LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE) + 0x10000;
inttoCodePoint(char highSurrogate, char lowSurrogate)
to Code Point
return MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT + ((highSurrogate & 1023) << 10) + (lowSurrogate & 1023);
inttoCodePoint(char[] chars)
to Code Point
return toCodePoint(chars[0], chars[1]);
int[]toCodePointArray(final String str)
to Code Point Array
if (str != null) {
    final int len = str.length();
    final int[] acp = new int[str.codePointCount(0, len)];
    for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i = str.offsetByCodePoints(i, 1)) {
        acp[j++] = str.codePointAt(i);
    return acp;
return new int[0];
int[]toCodePointArray(String string)
Transforms a String to its representative array of unicode code points.
char[] sarray = string.toCharArray();
int[] result = new int[Character.codePointCount(sarray, 0, sarray.length)];
for (int i = 0, j = 0, codePoint = 0; i < sarray.length; i += Character.charCount(codePoint)) {
    codePoint = Character.codePointAt(sarray, i);
    result[j++] = codePoint;
return result;
inttoCodePoints(char[] src, int srcOff, int srcLen, int[] dest, int destOff)
Converts a sequence of Java characters to a sequence of unicode code points.
if (srcLen < 0) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("srcLen must be >= 0");
int codePointCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < srcLen;) {
    final int cp = Character.codePointAt(src, srcOff + i, srcOff + srcLen);
    final int charCount = Character.charCount(cp);
    dest[destOff + codePointCount++] = cp;
int[]toCodepoints(String message)
to Codepoints
int[] codepoints = new int[message.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) {
    codepoints[i] = message.codePointAt(i);
return codepoints;
int[]toCodePoints(String s)
Convert the string to an array of code points.
return s.codePoints().toArray();
int[]toCodePoints(String str)
to Code Points
int count = str.codePointCount(0, str.length());
int[] codePoints = new int[count];
for (int cpIndex = 0, charIndex = 0; cpIndex < count; cpIndex++) {
    int cp = str.codePointAt(charIndex);
    codePoints[cpIndex] = cp;
    charIndex += Character.charCount(cp);
return codePoints;
StringtoCodeString(String s)
Given a string, returns a string that could be printed out in Java source code.
return "\"" + s.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\t", "\\t")
        + "\"";