Java Utililty Methods SQL Type

List of utility methods to do SQL Type


The list of methods to do SQL Type are organized into topic(s).


get JDBC Types
return (String[]) jdbcTypes.keySet().toArray(new String[jdbcTypes.size()]);
intgetLength(String format, String columnTypeName)
get Length
String col = columnTypeName.substring(0, 3);
try {
    if (col.equals("TIM") || col.equals("DAT")) {
        return String.format(format, new java.sql.Timestamp(0)).length();
    } else if (col.equals("NUM") || col.equals("DEC")) {
        return String.format(format, new java.math.BigDecimal(0)).length();
    } else if (col.equals("VAR") || col.equals("CHA") || col.equals("STR")) {
        return String.format(format, " ").length();
LonggetLong(Object object)
get Long
if (object == null) {
    return null;
} else if (object instanceof BigDecimal) {
    return Long.valueOf(((BigDecimal) object).longValue());
} else if (object instanceof Long) {
    return (Long) object;
} else if (object instanceof String) {
    return Long.valueOf((String) object);
byte[]getMBTileData(int column, int row, int zoomLevel, String jdbcConnectionString)
Loads the MBTile data from the database as blob, and returns it as byte array.
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcConnectionString);
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
PreparedStatement prep = conn
        .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM tiles WHERE tile_column = ? AND tile_row = ? AND zoom_level = ?;");
prep.setInt(1, column);
prep.setInt(2, row);
prep.setInt(3, zoomLevel);
byte[]getMBTileData(int column, int row, int zoomLevel, String jdbcConnectionString)
Loads the MBTile data from the database as blob, and returns it as byte array.
Connection conn = null;
byte[] tileData = null;
try {
    conn = connectionsMap.get(jdbcConnectionString);
    if (conn == null) {
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection(jdbcConnectionString);
        connectionsMap.put(jdbcConnectionString, conn);
ListgetMessages(Array arr)
get Messages
List arrRes = new ArrayList();
if (arr != null) {
    String[] msgs = (String[]) arr.getArray();
    for (int i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++)
return arrRes;
StringgetNameByType(int sqlType)
Returns SQL type name by code.
switch (sqlType) {
case Types.BIT:
    return "BIT";
case Types.BIGINT:
    return "BIGINT";
case Types.DECIMAL:
    return "DECIMAL";
case Types.DOUBLE:
StringgetNameFromJdbcType(int jdbcType)
get Name From Jdbc Type
switch (jdbcType) {
case Types.BIT:
    return "Types.BIT";
case Types.BOOLEAN:
    return "Types.BOOLEAN";
case Types.TINYINT:
    return "Types.TINYINT";
case Types.SMALLINT:
StringgetNextQuotes(String lastQuotes, int lastType)
get Next Quotes
StringBuffer quotes = new StringBuffer();
if (lastQuotes.length() == 0) {
    return "\"";
} else {
    if (lastType == Types.ARRAY) {
        int length = lastQuotes.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
IntegergetNumberType(Integer precision, Integer scale)
if (precision == null) {
    if (scale == null) {
        return Types.NUMERIC;
    } else if (scale == 0) {
        return Types.BIGINT;
} else if (scale == null || scale == 0) {
    if (precision == 1) {