Java Utililty Methods SQL Table Exist

List of utility methods to do SQL Table Exist


The list of methods to do SQL Table Exist are organized into topic(s).


booleantableExist(Statement stmt, String tablename)
table Exist
ResultSet result = null;
try {
    result = stmt
            .executeQuery("select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name = 'develop'");
    while ( {
        if (result.getInt(1) == 1) {
            return true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {
    if (result != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
return false;
booleantableExists(Connection con, String table)
table Exists
try {
    con.createStatement().execute("select * from " + table);
    return true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
    return false;
booleantableExists(Connection con, String tableName)
Tests if a table exists in the database
if (tableName == null) {
    throw new NullPointerException("tableName cannot be null");
ResultSet res = con.getMetaData().getTables(null, null, null, new String[] { "TABLE" });
while ( {
    if (res.getString(3).equalsIgnoreCase(tableName) && "TABLE".equals(res.getString(4))) {
        return true;
return false;
booleantableExists(Connection conn, String name)
Returns true if the table with the specified name exists, false if it does not.
boolean matched = false;
ResultSet rs = conn.getMetaData().getTables("", "", name, null);
while ( {
    String tname = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME");
    if (name.equals(tname)) {
        matched = true;
return matched;
booleantableExists(Connection conn, String tableName)
table Exists
try (Statement stmt = conn.createStatement()) {
    stmt.executeQuery("select * from " + tableName + " where 1=0");
    return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
    return false;
booleantableExists(java.sql.Connection conn, java.lang.String table)
Returns true if the table already exists in the JDBC database.
throw new RuntimeException();
booleantableExists(Statement stmt, String name)
table Exists
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM sqlite_master WHERE type == 'table' and name == '"
        + name.replace("'", "''") + "';");;
return (0 == rs.getInt("count(*)")) ? (false) : (true);