List of utility methods to do SQL Table Create
void | createTable(Connection conn, String createTableStatement) create Table conn.createStatement().execute(createTableStatement); |
void | createTable(Connection conn, String inputSqlType, String sortOrder) create Table String dmlFormat = "CREATE TABLE TEST_TABLE_%s" + "(id INTEGER NOT NULL, pk %s NOT NULL, " + "kv %s " + "CONSTRAINT PK_CONSTRAINT PRIMARY KEY (id, pk %s))"; String ddl = String.format(dmlFormat, sortOrder, inputSqlType, inputSqlType, sortOrder); conn.createStatement().execute(ddl); conn.commit(); |
String | createTable(Connection conn, String sqlText) create Table String tableName = parseSelectTableName(sqlText); if (tableName.length() == 0) { return ""; tableName = TMP_TABLE_PREFIX + tableName + System.currentTimeMillis(); String sql = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " AS SELECT * FROM (" + sqlText + ") t LIMIT 0"; String dropSql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tableName; Statement stmt = null; ... |
void | createTable(Connection connection) create Table Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); statement.execute(CREATE_TABLE_QUERY); |
void | createTable(Connection dbConn, String tableName, String columnSpec) create Table Statement table = dbConn.createStatement(); table.execute("CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (" + columnSpec + ")"); table.close(); |
void | createTable(String query) create Table try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); stmt.executeUpdate(query); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Got an exception! "); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); |
void | createTableAndLoadData(Statement stmt, String tableName) create Table And Load Data String ddl = "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (ID INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " + "FNAME VARCHAR, LNAME VARCHAR)"; stmt.execute(ddl); stmt.execute("UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " values(1, 'FIRST', 'F')"); stmt.execute("UPSERT INTO " + tableName + " values(2, 'SECOND', 'S')"); |
void | createTestTable(Connection conn) create Test Table try (Statement statement = conn.createStatement()) { statement.execute("create table TEST (ID int, NAME varchar(8))"); |
void | createTestTables(Statement sStatement) create Test Tables String[] demo = { "DROP TABLE Item IF EXISTS;", "DROP TABLE Invoice IF EXISTS;", "DROP TABLE Product IF EXISTS;", "DROP TABLE Customer IF EXISTS;", "CREATE TABLE Customer(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,FirstName VARCHAR(20)," + "LastName VARCHAR(20),Street VARCHAR(20),City VARCHAR(20));", "CREATE TABLE Product(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,Name VARCHAR(20)," + "Price DECIMAL(10,2));", "CREATE TABLE Invoice(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,CustomerID INTEGER," + "Total DECIMAL(10,2), FOREIGN KEY (CustomerId) " + "REFERENCES Customer(ID) ON DELETE CASCADE);", ... |